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8월의Weekend English

  • <p>8월의Weekend English</p>

영어 실력을 향상 시키자!평일에 바쁘신 분、빨리 영어 실력을 향상 시키고 싶은 분。중급 수준의 영어 공부를 하고 싶은 분들을 위한 연습 기회입니다。

▲8월의Weekend English 8월8일(토)11:00~11:30


▲참가비:무료(단、인터넷 접속료는 자기 부담입니다)


페이스북( facebook)에서 요네자와시 국제교류협회 페이지에 좋아요를 누루고、메세지로 신청。신청시 、이메일 주소、이름、성별、출신국가등을 알려 주십시오。

메일로 신청 。성함、성별、출신국가 등을 기입한 후yira@omn.ne.jp로 전송。

※줌(Zoom)의 로그인 아이디(ID)를 알려 드리니、개최1시간전 까지 신청해 주십시오。


The Yonezawa Treasure Photography Contest 2020 is Open for Submissions!

The ongoing COVID-19 situation has had a large impact on tourism sites and their operations in Yonezawa. In order to attract visitors from within and outside of Yamagata Prefecture when the situation returns to normal, we will host a photography contest on social media that showcases the best aspects of Yonezawa to Japan and the rest of the world. The title of the contest is the Yonezawa Treasure Contest 2020. 


Pictures taken in the past are okay to submit as well! As someone who has visited one of Yonezawa’s tourism locations, feel free to participate in the contest and show others the great locations that the city has to offer. The winners of the contest will be sent prizes such as onsen lodging vouchers and gift certificates for Yonezawa beef. The full details can be found below.



1. Contest Entry Period


July 6 (Mon.), 2020 - August 31 (Mon.), 2020


2. Contest Information


The contest will be judged along three separate categories: scenery, food, and funny pictures.


Please post the pictures that you took on either Instagram or Twitter, along with the location that they were taken. Additionally, make sure to include the four following hashtags:


#米撮 #〇〇部門 #ビシャモン #国内旅行


The circles in the second hashtag above indicate the category that is being entered. Please feel free to copy and paste the one that matches your submission from below.


Scenery: #風景部門
Food: #食べ物部門
Funny: #おもしろ部門


After the contest period concludes, the submissions will be judged, and vouchers for onsen lodging and gift certificates for Yonezawa beef will be sent out to the winners.


3. Prizes


Prizes are available for each category.


• First Place Prize (One Winner)
    Yonezawa Onsen Voucher (20,000 yen value)
    (Can be used at any of Yonezawa’s eight onsen locations)


• Second Place Prize (One Winner)
    Yonezawa Onsen Voucher (10,000 yen value)
    (Can be used at any of Yonezawa’s eight onsen locations)


• Third Place Prize (Three Winners)

Yonezawa Beef Gift Certificate (5000 yen value)


4. Judging Process


Date: September 3 (Thurs.), 2020

Judges: Yonezawa Junior Chamber Board Chairman, Yonezawa Department of Industry, Tourism Division Section Chief, Contest Organizing Committee


5. Announcement of Results


Winners will be contacted via direct message by September 5 (Sat.), 2020. Please make sure that your account settings enable you to receive direct messages from the contest administration. Additionally, the pictures will be uploaded to the official contest account pages.


6. Things to Note


1. Physical photographs cannot be submitted to the contest.
2. Those with accounts set to private mode are unable to enter.
3. There is no limit on submissions, but please only attach one photograph to each post.


7. Inquiries


Yonezawa Junior Chamber


Phone number: 0238-29-0336
Email address: info@yonezawajc.net


Yonezawa Department of Industry, Tourism Division
Phone number: 0238-22-5111 (extension 3821)
Email address: kankokikaku-t@city.yonezawa.yamagata.jp
Email address (English inquiries): tourism@city.yonezawa.yamagata.jp



  • 8月の英語オンライン講座
  • 8月の英語オンライン講座


▲8月の英語オンライン講座 8月26日(水) 15:00~15:30




  •  facebookで米沢市国際交流協会のページにいいねを押していただき、メッセージにてお申込。お申込みの際に、Emailアドレス、お名前、性別、出身国などをお知らせください。
  •  メールでお申込み。お名前、性別、出身国などご記入の上yira@omn.ne.jpに送信。




  • 【YIRA多文化共生オンライン講座】法律勉強会
  • 【YIRA多文化共生オンライン講座】法律勉強会






〇日時 8月19日(水)18:30~20:00

〇講師 弁護士神原祐哉(かんばらまさや)氏 (山形弁護士会所属 神原法律事務所 


〇会費 無料(但し、インターネット接続料は自己負担になります)





  • 紫陽花鑑賞会
  • 紫陽花鑑賞会
  • 紫陽花鑑賞会
  • 紫陽花鑑賞会


