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Yonezawa Treasure Photography Contest 2022

  • Yonezawa Treasure Photography Contest 2022

Part 2 of the Yonezawa Treasure Photography Contest is now accepting entries! Show off the best snaps of Yonezawa you’ve got to the world! Old pictures or not, we want to see those lovely shots!


Entry Period

1st September (Thursday) – 30th September (Friday)


Entry Requirements

-    You must post your photos on a public Instagram account
-    Add the following hashtags to your post in order to enter the contest. The total number of hashtags for entry is five.


1.    #山形
2.    #米沢
3.    #米撮2022
4.    #コロナに負けるな
5.    One of three hashtags here which matches your submission.
       (A)    #スポット部門 (for scenic shots)
       (B)    #食べ物部門 (for food shots)
       (C)    #イベント部門 (for pictures at events)



There is a total of 26 prizes (6 for each category and 8 consolation prizes). Each category has the same prizes available.


First place (1 winner) – Yonezawa Onsen Voucher (valued at 20,000 Yen), usable at any of the eight onsens in Yonezawa
Second place (2 winners) – Yonezawa Beef Gift Certificate (valued at 10,000 Yen)
Third place (3 winners) – An assortment of Yonezawa textile goods (valued at 5,000 Yen)

“You could get it if you tried after all!” prize (8 winners selected across all three categories) – An assortment of Yonezawa specialty goods


Terms and Conditions

1.    There are no limit to submissions, but only one photograph should be attached to each post
2.    Please include the locations of your photos in your post
3.    Photos taken before the contest can also be submitted
4.    Winners are contacted via Instagram direct messages (DMs). Please ensure that your account is able to accept DMs from @yonetore
5.    Photos submitted for the contest may be used in future tourism campaigns for Yonezawa city and for Yonezawa Junior Chamber activities.
6.    Winners will be required at a later date to share their photos with the organizing committee. Copyright will then belong to the Yonezawa Tourism Campaign Promotion Association



Please DM @yonetore (Japanese) on Instagram for any queries.


We look forward to seeing your charming pics!


Mt. Nishi-Azuma First Autumn Festival!

  • Mt. Nishi-Azuma First Autumn Festival!
  • Mt. Nishi-Azuma First Autumn Festival!

To express their gratitude towards everyone, Tengendai Kogen will be hosting the First Autumn Festival on 10th and 11th September!


All sorts of activities will be held, including a treasure hunt, e-Mountain Bike tour and a taiko performance by Yonezawa’s very own traditional performing arts group, Min’you Ikka!


Plus, boarding the ropeway will be free for everyone on 10th September in commemoration of Resident Thanksgiving Day!


Take this chance to stop by Tengendai Kogen and have some fun!


Event Dates and Time

10th September (Saturday) – 11th September (Sunday)
10:00 – 15:00


Ropeway opening hours: 08:00 – 17:00


* Ropeway use is free on 10th September
* The Nishi-Azuma Enjoy Campaign packages (Japanese) are applicable on 11th September



You may contact Tengendai Kogen at 0238-55-2236 (Japanese).



Shirabu Onsen Tengendai Yonezawa City, Yamagata


Uesugi Museum Special Exhibit “Ancestral Photographs of the Uesugi Clan ~A Network of Brilliance, A Bond with Yonezawa~” (한국어・简体中文)

  • Uesugi Museum Special Exhibit “Ancestral Photographs of the Uesugi Clan ~A Network of Brilliance, A Bond with Yonezawa~” (한국어・简体中文)

A special exhibit titled “Ancestral Photographs of the Uesugi Clan ~A Network of Brilliance, A Bond with Yonezawa” will be held from 17th September (Saturday) to 20th November (Sunday) at the Yonezawa City Uesugi Museum.


After the Bakumatsu period (1853-1868), the Uesugi clan which once ruled over the Yonezawa domain took and handed down more than 1,300 photographs to their descendants. Following the “Uesugi Clan's Old Photographs” special exhibit held in 2016 at the Yonezawa City Uesugi Museum, the photographs were organized piece by piece. Presumptions were made regarding their subject matter and the dates they were taken, and the photographs were investigated through collation with other photographic materials and literature.


This exhibit, which is based on the results of the investigation, presents the connections between the Uesugi clan’s movements and the photos based on three generations of clan heads - Uesugi Narinori (1820-1889), Uesugi Mochinori (1844-1919), and Uesugi Noriaki (1876-1953) - and their family portraits.


More than 250 photos will be put up over the course of the exhibition. The allure and novelty of the photos is going to be on full display here! There’s plenty of never-before-seen photos which you can’t find anywhere else, so do drop by and check them out!


Exhibition Dates

First Half: 17th September (Saturday) - 16th October (Sunday)

Second Half: 22nd October (Saturday) - 20th November (Sunday)


* The national treasure, Uesugi-bon Rakuchuu Rakugai Zu Byoubu (Uesugi clan’s folding screen of sights in and around Kyoto), will be displayed in the permanent exhibition hall from 22nd October to 20th November.


Closed Days

The museum will be closed on 28th September (Wednesday) and 26th October (Wednesday)


Opening Hours

09:00 - 17:00 (Last entry - 16:30)


Entry Fee

Each ticket allows entry to both special and permanent exhibits.

Normal tickets: 700 Yen (560 Yen)

High School / University Students: 450 Yen (360 Yen)

Elementary / Middle School Students: 300 Yen (240 Yen)


* Prices for groups of 20 or more are indicated in brackets

* Entry is free on 3rd November (Thursday), Tohoku Culture Day.




The allure of the Uesugi clan’s ancestral photographs from the perspective of photography’s history


Lecturer: Mitsui Keishi (Curator from the Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)


Date and Time: 1st October (Saturday) at 14:00


Location: Denkoku no Mori 2nd floor Meeting Hall


Participants: 80 people. Entry is on a first-come-first-served basis

Registration for the lecture begins 24th August (Wednesday) at 09:00


Entry fee: Free



Mini Lecture and Exhibit Explanation

The conservation and repair of photographic materials


Lecturer: Miki Mari (Photograph conservation and restoration)


Date and Time: 5th November (Saturday) at 14:00


Location: Denkoku no Mori 2nd floor Meeting Hall


Participants: 30 people. Entry is on a first-come-first-served basis

Registration for the lecture begins 24th August (Wednesday) at 09:00


Entry fee: Free



Gallery Talk (Exhibit explanation from the curator in charge)


Dates and times

1. “Focus on this! The vital points of the exhibit”

17th September (Saturday) at 17:15


2. “The Uesugi Clan's network and their activities back home in Yonezawa”

22nd October (Saturday) at 09:15



Pre-registration is required. You may register from 24th August (Wednesday) at 09:00.

Entry is allowed on a first-come-first-served basis

1. 20 people

2. 10 people


* Entry to the special exhibit is required



For queries and registration, please contact the Yonezawa City Uesugi Museum at Denkoku no Mori at 0238-26-8001




1-2-1 Marunouchi Yonezawa, Yamagata


For more information, please refer to Denkoku no Mori’s website (Japanese).




요네자와시 우에스기 박물관 특별전「우에스기 가문 전래 사진~화려한 인맥、요네자와 와의 인연~」



요네자와시 우에스기 박물관에서、9월17일(토)~11월20일(일)까지「우에스기 가문 전래 사진~화려한 인맥、요네자와 와의 인연~」을 개최합니다。
원래 요네자와 번주 우에스기 가문에는 에도시대 말기부터 주로 쇼와10년대에 걸친 사진1,300점 이상이 전래되어 있습니다。우에스기 박물관에서는 2016년 개최 기획전「우에스기 가문의 고사진」이후、사진1점씩 정리에 더해、피사체나 촬영 시기의 추정、다른 사진 자료나 문헌 자료와의 대조라고 하는 조사에 임해 왔습니다。
이 성과를 바탕으로、본 전시회에서 나리노리(斉憲)・모치노리(茂憲)・노리아키(憲章)와 삼대에 걸친 당주와 가족의 초상을 통해、우에스기 가문의 동향과 사진과의 관계를 소개합니다。
본 전시회에서 전후기 합해250점 이상을 전시하고、우에스기 가문 전래 사진의 매력과 특징、그 알려지지 않던 것이 보이게 됩니다。
다른 곳에서는 볼 수 없는、아직 본 적이 없는 사진을、분명 만날 수 있습니다。

【개최 기간】레이와4년9월17일(토)~11월20일(일)
전기:9/17(토)~10/16(일) 후기:10/22(토)~11/20(일)
【개관 시간】9:00~17:00(입관은16:30까지)
【휴관일】 9/28(수)10/26(수)
【입관료】 일반/700엔(560엔)고대생/450엔(360엔)초중생/300엔(240엔)
※( )20명 이상 단체요금、상설전 일체형
※11월3일(목・공휴일)동북문화의 날/누구나 입관 무료
※국보「우에스기 본 라쿠추 라쿠가이즈 병풍」원본 전시(10/22~11/20)상설 전시실에서

「사진사에서 보는 우에스기 가문 전래 사진의 매력」
강사/미쓰이 케이시 씨(三井圭司氏)(공익 재단법인 도쿄도 역사문화재단 학예원)
장소/덴코쿠노모리2층 대회의실
※8월24일(수)9:00신청 접수 개시
※참가 무료

「사진자료 수리 및 저장」
강사/미키 마리 씨(三木麻里氏)(사진 보존 복구)
장소/덴코쿠노모리2층 대회의실
※8월24일(수)9:00신청 접수 개시
※참가 무료

~~~갤러리 토크(담당 학예원의 전시해설)~~~
일시/①9월17일(토)17:15~「여기 주목!전람회의 볼거리」
   ②10월22일(토)9:15~「우에스기 백작가문의 인맥과 현지 요네자와에서의 활동」
정원/①선착20명 ②선착10명
※기확전은 입관료가 필요입니다。
※사전에 신청해 주세요。
※8월24일(수)9:00신청 접수 개시
덴코쿠노모리 요네자와시 우에스기 박물관 TEL:0238-26-8001
〒992-0052 요네자와시 마루노우치1-2-1
※자세한 것은 덴코쿠노모리 홈페이지를 참조해 주세요。





米泽市上杉博物馆 特别展【上杉家传照片 华丽人脉 与米泽的情节】



米泽市上杉博物馆,将在9月17日星期六到11月20日星期日举办【特别展 上杉家传照片 华丽人脉,与米泽的情节】

前期:9/17(星期六)~10/16(星期日) 後期:10/22(星期六)~11/20(星期日)
【休馆日】 9/28(星期三)10/26(星期三)
【门票】 一般/700日元(560日元)高大生/450日元(360日元)
※( )为20名以上的団体料金、常設展一体型


日期/11月15日星期六 14点开始

名额/①20名 ②10名 报满即止
伝国之杜 米沢市上杉博物馆 TEL:0238-26-8001
〒992-0052 米沢市丸之内1-2-1


Yonezawa’s Don-Don Fest!

  • Yonezawa’s Don-Don Fest!

The Yonezawa Don-Don Fest will be returning to the Autumn Festival on 24th and 25th September!

After a three-year hiatus, the event is back with 14 products from 10 participating companies this year. Normal rice bowls (dons) will cost 600 Yen per bowl while special dons will cost 1,200 Yen each. Drop by and stuff yourself don-don full of dons!


Tickets will be sold at the event venue itself. They can also be purchased at the Yonezawa Tourist & Convention Bureau as well as the tourist information booth in Roadside Station Yonezawa from 1st September.

Do secure your tickets soon!


Event Dates and Time

24th and 25th September (Saturday and Sunday)
10:00 – 15:00


Booths are set up at the open space outside Denkoku no Mori (location of Yonezawa City Uesugi Museum and Okitama Cultural Hall)



Please contact the Nasebanaru Autumn Festival Committee for more information (Japanese).

Tel: 0238-21-6226
Fax: 0238-22-2042


Roadside Station Tazawa’s 25th Anniversary Campaign

  • Roadside Station Tazawa’s 25th Anniversary Campaign

It’s been 25 years since the opening of Roadside Station Tazawa! As a token of gratitude to everyone who made this possible, the station’s signature handmade soba dishes will be sold at a 50 Yen discount for a limited time!


Campaign Dates

1st September – 30th September, on weekends and national holidays



The following dishes will be offered at a 50 Yen discount.


Morisoba: 850  800 Yen
Kakesoba: 850  800 Yen

Do note that the cafeteria is closed on weekdays.



Please contact Roadside Station Tazawa at 0238-31-2753 (Japanese) for more information.
