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  • 9月のEigoでランチ



◆日時: Eigo  9月13日 (木) 


◆参加費:無料(昼食持参) ※申込不要


Rice Paddy Art Harvest!

  • Rice Paddy Art Harvest!

The time has come to harvest this year's Rice Paddy Art and we're looking for people to join in! 

All participants get lunch and a 2kg Rice present (5kg if you also participated in the rice planting!) 

Make sure you check out the art before it's time to harvest at the special viewing platform at Onogawa Onsen - this year it's our own mascot Kanetan and the historical figure he was based off of Naoe Kanetsugu 

Application Period: 8.1 - 9.21 
(first 200 people) 

Event date: Sun. 30th Sept 2018 9:00-13:00 

Location - Misawa Community Centre 0238-32-2005 

Fee: Adults: 2,000 Yen 

Children (JHS and Under) 1,500 Yen

Call the City Tourism Department - 0238-22-5111 (Ext 3809) 

Or email y-kanko@msc5.omn.ne.jp 

By Fri. 21st September 


Uesugi Memorial Festa & Autumn Festival

  • Uesugi Memorial Festa & Autumn Festival

The 7th Nasebanaru Autumn Festival is on its way! 

This year we'll have attractions such as the 

Bokkui-ichi traditional Market 

Traditional Toys/Games Corner 

Rice Bowl Festival! 

Traditional Market 

Ai no Bushotai Samurai Walking Tour 

Stage Events 

Meet Anpanman! 


Sat 22nd September 10:00-17:00

Sun. 23rd 10:00-16:00



한국어로 런치

  • <p>한국어로 런치</p>

 부담없이 런치를 먹으면서 와이라에서 회화를 즐기지 않겠습니까。자기의 점심을지참하십시오。

◆언제:한국어 8월27일(월)12시~13시


◆참가비:무료(점심지참) ※신청불요


제2회 어린이 양육 카페

  • <p>제2회 어린이 양육 카페</p>

 아베코우메씨(임상심리사)의 얘기를 들으면서 부담없이 여러가지를 배울 수 있습니다!

동시 개최하는 어린이에게는 다언어 그림책을 읽어주는 국제교류!

◆언제:8월25일(토) 13:30-15:30


