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Uesugi Museum Special Exhibition - “Kanto Kanrei: Uesugi Kenshin”

  • Uesugi Museum Special Exhibition - “Kanto Kanrei: Uesugi Kenshin”
  • Uesugi Museum Special Exhibition - “Kanto Kanrei: Uesugi Kenshin”

The special exhibition, which was delayed in order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, will be open to visitors beginning on May 23 (Sat.)


As governor-general of the Kanto area, Uesugi Kenshin held the title of “Kanrei.” He was a member of the Uesugi Clan of the Yonezawa Domain.


Uesugi Kenshin is known throughout Japan as a daimyo of the Sengoku period. In Yonezawa in particular, he is one of the most important figures in history.


This exhibition will explore Uesugi Kenshin, a vital member of the Uesugi Clan, as well as the connection he had with the Kanto region.


Exhibition Period: May 23 (Sat.) - June 21 (Sun.)


Open Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. (Museum entrance is open until 4:30 pm.)


Inquiries: Yonezawa Uesugi Museum
                 Phone number: 0238-26-8001


Please visit the museum's website (Japanese) for more information.


Yonezawa Take-away Information Website

  • Yonezawa Take-away Information Website

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, we have created a website that provides information about restaurants, cafés, and other such places that have begun take-away (takeout) services.


By using this website, you can see a list of places that are offering take-away services. After choosing one, you can order online and then pick your order up.


Let’s come together and support restaurants and cafés in Yonezawa!


More information can be found here, and the website can be found here.




米泽外卖店铺信息网站「Yonezawa Take-away Information」








Uesugi Museum Special Exhibition - “Kanto Kanrei: Uesugi Kenshin”

  • Uesugi Museum Special Exhibition - “Kanto Kanrei: Uesugi Kenshin”

From April 18 (Sat.) to June 21 (Sun.), a special exhibition will be on display at the Yonezawa Uesugi Museum. The title of the exhibition is “Kanto Kanrei: Uesugi Kenshin.” 


As governor-general of the Kanto area, Uesugi Kenshin held the title of “Kanrei.” He was a member of the Uesugi Clan of the Yonezawa Domain.


Uesugi Kenshin is known throughout Japan as a daimyo of the Sengoku period. In Yonezawa in particular, he is one of the most important figures in history.


This exhibition will explore Uesugi Kenshin, a vital member of the Uesugi Clan, as well as the connection he had with the Kanto region.



Exhibition Dates:


April 18 (Sat.) - June 21 (Sun.)


Exhibition First Half: April 18 (Sat.) - May 17 (Sun.)


Exhibition Second Half: May 23 (Sat.) - June 21 (Sun.)


Display Transition Period: May 18 (Mon.) - May 22 (Fri.) (The permanent exhibition area will be open during this time.)


Closed: May 27 (Wed.)


Days of Free Entrance:


Free for Elementary, Middle, High School Students - May 5 (Tues.), Children’s Day
For for All Visitors (Permanent Exhibition Only) - May 18 (Mon.), International Museum Day


Hours of Operation:


9:00 am - 5:00 pm (Visitors can purchase tickets until 4:30 pm.)




Denkoku no Mori, Yonezawa Uesugi Museum
Yamagata Prefecture, Yonezawa, Marunouchi 1-2-1
Phone number: 0238-26-8001


* Please note that due to the ongoing coronavirus situation, the information provided here may be subject to change.


For more information, please visit the following website: https://www.denkoku-no-mori.yonezawa.yamagata.jp/top.htm (Japanese)




上杉博物館 特別展 「關東管領 上杉謙信」。


米澤市上杉博物館,將在4月18日 星期六到6月21日星期日之間舉辦上杉博物館 特別展 「關東管領 上杉謙信」


米澤領主上杉家族的家祖上杉謙信 不僅因為戰國大名在全國都很有名氣,並且在米澤市更是被認定為歷史上最為重要的人物。


本展覽會 將介紹謙信 以及上杉家族和關東的重要關係。


舉辦日 :4月18日 星期六到6月21日星期日
・展覽更換:5月18日星期一~5月22日星期五 限常設展開館
・免費日:5月5日星期二 節假日 兒童日 小學生 初中生 高中生
5月18日星期一 國際博物館日 所有人免費 限常設展。
開館時間:9 點到17 點 請在16點30分前入館

地點咨詢處:傳國之杜 米澤市上杉博物館
山形縣米澤市丸之內1-2-1   TEL:0238-26-8001


另外 由於新冠病毒的影響 已上日程將有可能變更 敬請留意




The Yonezawa 2020 Rice Field Art Project Has Been Cancelled Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • The Yonezawa 2020 Rice Field Art Project Has Been Cancelled Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

* Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we have stopped taking applications for the rice field art project. We apologize to those who were looking forward to participating and appreciate your understanding. We will contact those who have already applied to inform them of the situation.


We are currently accepting applications for volunteers to work on this year’s rice field art project! Volunteers will help plant the rice that will turn into the final image.


The design for the project this year is Onogawa Komachi from the Onsen Musume franchise!


Those who help will receive some rice when it is harvested as well. We are looking forward to receiving your applications.


* Due to the ongoing coronavirus situation, we will only be accepting applications from those who live within Yonezawa.



Time: May 31 (Sun.), 2020, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (weather permitting)


    Meeting place - Misawa Community Center (phone number: 0238-32-2005)
    Rice planting location - Yanazawa Rice Field Art Paddy



Participation Fee:
Adults (those in high school or older) - 1,000 yen
Children (those in middle school or younger) - 500 yen
    * Please note that there are no group discounts available.



Other Information: Please make sure to bring your own lunch.


Also, please note that due to the effects of the ongoing coronavirus situation, there is a possibility that the event may be cancelled.





Rice Field Art Committee (part of the Yonezawa City Hall Tourism Section)


Phone number: 0238-22-5111 (extension 3809)
Fax: 0238-24-4541
Email address: y-kanko@ms5.omn.ne.jp (Japanese)
                      tourism@city.yonezawa.yamagata.jp (English)


* Please apply by phone, fax, or email. When applying, please provide your address, full name, age, gender, and phone number.
Cancellations can be made until May 22 (Fri.). Those who cancel after that date will still be required to pay the participation fee. We will give some of the rice that is harvested in the fall to those who pay the participation fee.


For more details, please visit the following link: http://tanbo-art.com/ (Japanese)


Avoiding Accidents When Collecting Mountain Plants

  • Avoiding Accidents When Collecting Mountain Plants

CAUTION: Even the mountains you are used to climbing can be dangerous. Please keep these things in mind when visiting the mountains!


Since May, 2019, there have been 16 accidents involving 19 people, including 3 deaths, while collecting wild plants in the mountains of Yamagata Prefecture.


Please keep the following in mind in order to avoid accidents while picking wild plants and climbing the mountains.


• Inform your family or others close to you about your whereabouts. Go with multiple people.
- In the case that an accident occurs, your general whereabouts can be determined by what you told them, and a search can begin.
- If there is an emergency, a family member or friend can call for help.


• Bring a cell phone with you. If you lose your way, follow the path that you came from.
- If you do not know where you are, you can find a location in which you have a good view of your surroundings. Then, inform someone of where you are by your cell phone to call for help.


• If you try to climb a steep slope, make sure to use a safety rope.
- Only attempt to pick wild plants after ensuring your safety first.


• In addition to food and water, bring ring rain gear in the case of a sudden change in weather.
- If there is an accident, you can prevent a fall in your body temperature by bringing things like food and proper gear.


The police homepage also offers hiking registration. You can visit the website here. (Note: the website is in Japanese.)


Yamagata Prefecture Mountain Disaster Prevention Convention
Yamagata Prefecture Police Headquarters
