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Now Accepting New Members!

  • Now Accepting New Members!

Would you like to become more involved in the Japanese community, learn about other cultures, increase your Japanese skills, or make unforgettable memories? If so, YIRA is now accepting new members! Enjoy Yonezawa and learn about other cultures through language lessons, cooking classes, and international exchange events. Make the most of your time in Japan and leave with amazing memories!


If you would like to become a member, please visit the YIRA office  (3-1-14 Kanaike, Yonezawa) to fill out an application.

*We are also taking ideas for events from our members, so if there is something you want to plan or learn about, please contact our office!



  • 会員募集中!






Current Business Operation Status of Yonezawa Tourist Facilities Due to COVID-19 (As of June 22)

  • Current Business Operation Status of Yonezawa Tourist Facilities Due to COVID-19 (As of June 22)

Going along with our efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we will provide information about the business status of the major tourist facilities within Yonezawa.


The information here may be subject to change depending on how the situation develops going forward.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Hydrangea Viewing

  • Hydrangea Viewing

YIRA will be working in collaboration with Zuiunin Temple to hold a hydrangea viewing on July 12 from 10am-12pm. There will also be a tour of the temple grounds, as well as a tea experience. English and Chinese interpretation will be available. This event will be limited to 10 people, so be sure to sign up early!


To register, please contact the YIRA office by phone (0238-33-9146)  or e-mail (yira@omn.ne.jp).



  • 紫陽花観賞




【瑞雲院 x YIRAコラボ 紫陽花観賞】

▲日時 7月12日(日)10:00~12:00

▲場所 瑞雲院(米沢市浅川70)駐車場集合

▲定員 10名(先着順)※お申し込みは7月6日まで

▲参加費 無料

▲その他 英語・中国語通訳もあり


① 住職ご紹介→②紫陽花観賞→③境内ご案内→④和室にてお茶会

