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September's Weekend English

  • September's Weekend English

YIRA is offering a chance to practice their English on the weekends, specifically for those who are busy during the week, want to study English at an intermediate level, or want to study English at a faster rate. Come interact with the locals in English from the comfort of your own home!

▲Weekend English: September 12th, 11:00-11:30am
▲Number of Participants: up to 10
▲Fee: Free (however, you must pay for internet access)
▲How to sign up: Please like the YIRA Facebook page and send us a message! Please include your e-mail address, name, gender, and nationality in the message. You can also sign up by sending the same information to yira@omn.ne.jp
※Please register at least one hour before start time.


September's English Online Class

  • September's English Online Class

Want to interact with the locals in English? Come to the YIRA English Online Class! This is your opportunity to talk with Japanese people from the comfort of your own home!

▲English Online Class: September 9th, 3:00-3:30pm
▲Number of Participants: up to 10
▲Fee: Free (however, you must pay for internet access)
▲How to sign up: Please like the YIRA Facebook page and send us a message! Please include your e-mail address, name, gender, and nationality in the message. You can also sign up by sending the same information to yira@omn.ne.jp
※Please register at least one hour before start time.



  • <p>9月中文在线讲座</p>


▲9月中文在线讲座 9月15日(周二)15:00~15:30





 邮件报名。邮件内写上姓名,性别,国籍等信息后发送到 yira@omn.ne.jp 即可。




  • <p>9月的宅家CAFE</p>


▲9月的宅家CAFE 9月12日(周一)14:00~14:30





 邮件报名。邮件内写上姓名,性别,国籍等信息后发送到 yira@omn.ne.jp 即可。



9月Weekend English

  • <p>9月Weekend English</p>


▲9月Weekend English 9月12日(周六)11:00~11:30





 邮件报名。邮件内写上姓名,性别,国籍等信息后发送到 yira@omn.ne.jp 即可。

