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  • 多言語新年交流会!
  • 多言語新年交流会!




【日 時】1月30日(土)13:00~14:00

【場 所】YIRAプラザ「アーカス」・オンライン (Zoom)

【参加費】無料 (但し、インターネット接続料は自己負担になります)




  • 「スポーツで国際交流」延期のお知らせ




Yonezawa Snow World is Open as of December 26, 2020!

  • Yonezawa Snow World is Open as of December 26, 2020!

As a sign of good things to come at the ski resort, there has been much snowfall recently. The ski slopes are blanketed in snow and ready for visitors!


Open Hours:


Day skiing: December 26, 2020 - March 28, 2021 (every day)
8:30 - 17:00


Night skiing: December 26, 2020 - February 28, 2021 (every day)
17:00 - 21:00


Times may change due to weather and other unpredictable situations.




Day pass:
Adults - 3900 yen
High school students, college students, disabled visitors, and seniors - 3300 yen
Children: 2900 yen


Half-day pass:
Adults - 3600 yen
High school students, college students, disabled visitors, and seniors: 2900 yen
Children: 2500 yen


Night pass:
Adults - 2400 yen
High school students, college students, disabled visitors, and seniors: 2100 yen
Children: 1600 yen


Long night pass:
Adults - 3600 yen
High school students, college students, disabled visitors, and seniors: 2900 yen
Children: 2500 yen


Rentals are also available for skis and snowboards.


Yonezawa Snow World
Yamagata-ken, Yonezawa-shi, Banseicho, Kariyasu, Tochidaira Michishimo 24266-1
Phone number: 0238-28-2511


Please check the Yonezawa Snow World website for more information. (Japanese)


January's Chinese Language and Culture Class

  • January's Chinese Language and Culture Class

Are you interested in Chinese culture? Come learn about things such as the population of China, and Chinese food. This is also an opportunity to learn some Chinese!

▲Chinese Online Class: January 19th, 3:00-3:30pm

▲Place: YIRA Plaza 'Arcus' or online
▲Number of Participants: up to 10
▲Fee: Free (however, you must pay for internet access)
▲How to sign up: Feel free to come to YIRA and participate in person! If you would like to participate online, please like the YIRA Facebook page and send us a message! Please include your e-mail address, name, gender, and nationality in the message. You can also sign up by sending the same information to yira@omn.ne.jp
※Please register at least one hour before start time, as we will send you the Zoom code.


January's English Language and Culture Class

  • January's English Language and Culture Class

Want to interact with the locals in English? Come to the YIRA English Langauge and Culture Class! This is your opportunity to talk with Japanese people from the comfort of your own home through Zoom, or in-person at YIRA.

▲English Language and Culture Class: January 13th, 3:00-3:30pm

▲Place: YIRA Plaza 'Arcus' or online
▲Number of Participants: up to 10
▲Fee: Free (however, you must pay for internet access)
▲How to sign up: Feel free to come to the office and participate in person! If you would like to participate online via Zoom, please like the YIRA Facebook page and send us a message! Please include your e-mail address, name, gender, and nationality in the message. You can also sign up by sending the same information to yira@omn.ne.jp
※Please register at least one hour before start time, as we will send you the Zoom code.
