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  • YIRA SPORTS CLUB だれでもダンシング
  • YIRA SPORTS CLUB だれでもダンシング
  • YIRA SPORTS CLUB だれでもダンシング
  • YIRA SPORTS CLUB だれでもダンシング



July's Chinese Language and Culture Class

  • July's Chinese Language and Culture Class
  • July's Chinese Language and Culture Class

Are you interested in Chinese culture? Come learn about things such as the population of China, and Chinese food. This is also an opportunity to learn some Chinese!

▲Chinese Online Class: July 20th, 3:00-3:30pm

▲Place: YIRA Plaza 'Arcus' or online
▲Number of Participants: up to 10
▲Fee: Free (however, you must pay for internet access)
▲How to sign up: Feel free to come to YIRA and participate in person! If you would like to participate online, please like the YIRA Facebook page and send us a message! Please include your e-mail address, name, gender, and nationality in the message. You can also sign up by sending the same information to yira@omn.ne.jp
※Please register at least one hour before start time, as we will send you the Zoom code.


July's English Language and Culture Class

  • July's English Language and Culture Class
  • July's English Language and Culture Class

Want to interact with the locals in English? Come to the YIRA English Langauge and Culture Class! This is your opportunity to talk with Japanese people from the comfort of your own home through Zoom, or in-person at YIRA.

▲English Language and Culture Class: July 14th, 3:00-3:30pm

▲Place: YIRA Plaza 'Arcus' or online
▲Number of Participants: up to 10
▲Fee: Free (however, you must pay for internet access)
▲How to sign up: Feel free to come to the office and participate in person! If you would like to participate online via Zoom, please like the YIRA Facebook page and send us a message! Please include your e-mail address, name, gender, and nationality in the message. You can also sign up by sending the same information to yira@omn.ne.jp
※Please register at least one hour before start time, as we will send you the Zoom code.


July's Weekend English

  • July's Weekend English
  • July's Weekend English

※Please note that the time has changed from 11am to 1pm.

YIRA is offering a chance for practice English on the weekends, specifically for those who are busy during the week, want to study English at an intermediate level, or want to study English at a faster rate. Come interact with the locals in English from the comfort of your own home!

▲Weekend English: July 10th, 1:00-2:00pm

▲Place: YIRA Plaza 'Arcus' or online
▲Number of Participants: up to 10
▲Fee: Free (however, you must pay for internet access)
▲How to sign up: Feel free to come to the office and participate in person! If you would like to participate online via Zoom, please like the YIRA Facebook page and send us a message! Please include your e-mail address, name, gender, and nationality in the message. You can also sign up by sending the same information to yira@omn.ne.jp
※Please register at least one hour before start time, as we will send you the Zoom code.


와이라(YIRA)스포츠 클럽~댄스를 해봅시다!~「누구든지 댄싱」

  • <p>와이라(YIRA)스포츠 클럽~댄스를 해봅시다!~「누구든지 댄싱」</p>

몸을 움직이고 싶어요?해외 음악을 좋아해요?둘 다 할 수 있는「누구든지 댄싱」에 부디 참석 해주세요!Zumba(줌바 댄스)처럼 누구든지 쉽게 할 수 있는 댄스를 하고 어려운 안무는 외우지 않아도 괜찮아요!릴렉스 하고 몸을 움직입시다!

【누구든지 댄싱】

강사/요네자와시 국제 교류원 타일라・바튼(タイラー・バートン)


장소/키타무라 공원(요네자와시 카나이케4-1)※비가 오면 장소를 변경합니다.


비용/회원300엔 비회원500엔


※움직이기 쉬운 옷을 입고 오세요.
