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영어 카페

  • 영어 카페
  • 영어 카페
  • 영어 카페
  • 영어 카페

일본어 교실 즐거운 파티

  • 일본어 교실 즐거운 파티
  • 일본어 교실 즐거운 파티
  • 일본어 교실 즐거운 파티
  • 일본어 교실 즐거운 파티
  • 일본어 교실 즐거운 파티


  • <p>日语学习班年度午餐会! </p>
  • <p>日语学习班年度午餐会! </p>
  • <p>日语学习班年度午餐会! </p>
  • <p>日语学习班年度午餐会! </p>
  • <p>日语学习班年度午餐会! </p>



English Caf? with Marcus!

  •  English Caf? with Marcus!
  •  English Caf? with Marcus!
  •  English Caf? with Marcus!
  •  English Caf? with Marcus!

 On Sunday the 27thof March we held our English Café

The theme was Hobbies–new and familiar faces got to practice their English together and everyone had a fantastic time


Japanese Classroom End of Term Party!

  •  Japanese Classroom End of Term Party!
  •  Japanese Classroom End of Term Party!
  •  Japanese Classroom End of Term Party!
  •  Japanese Classroom End of Term Party!
  •  Japanese Classroom End of Term Party!

 YIRA held a fun party for students and teachers of our Japanese classroom.

We made Takoyaki and spoke about how we’re going to keep trying hard and learn more Japanese
