Rice Paddy Art Rice Harvesting!
This May hundreds of participants got together to plant the amazing Rice Paddy art of Uesugi Kagekatsu and Sanada Yukimura. As the rice becomes ready for Harvest - the art will start to become yellow in colour and the night time light up view will be available until the 20th of August every Friday and Saturday between 19:00-21:00.
Come join us as we harvest the rice! Participants will also get special gifts!
(Application Period) Mon. 1st August ~ Fri. 23rd September (First 200 people)
(Harvesting Date) Sun. 2nd October 9:00~13:00
(Please Arrive at) Misawa Community Center
(Participation Fee) (General) Adult (High School +) 2,000 Yen
Children (Middle School and below) 1,500 Yen
(Group) Adult (High School +) 2,000 Yen
Children (Middle School and below) 1,500 Yen
- Groups consist of 15 people +, Restricted to organizations through PTA
- The Participating Fee covers Lunch, Insurance and Tsuyahime Rice that will be given out after the event.
(Enquiries・Applications) Rice Paddy Art Experience Committee
(Yonezawa City Hall Tourism Department)
TEL: 0238-22-5111 (Extension 3809)
FAX: 0238-24-4541
E-mail: y-kanko@ms5.omn.ne.jp
알로하!하와이에서자란 카자네씨에게、고향에대해 듣습니다。좀더 하와이에대해 알고싶은분、함께해요 。
◆강사/나미카와 카자네
◆장소/중부커뮤니티센터ー 1층 홀
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