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  • YIRAお花見!

◆日時:4月22日(土) 雨天の場合中止です!
◆参加費:無料   自分の弁当、飲み物をじさんください!
申し込み不要 詳しい内容事務局までお問い合わせください~



  • 4月の中国語でランチ


◆日時:  中国語 4月14日 (金) 
◆参加費:無料(昼食持参) ※申込不要


Rice Paddy Art, Participants Wanted!

  • Rice Paddy Art, Participants Wanted!

Particpants are wanted to plant the colourful rice paddy art in the rice fields near Onagawa Onsen! This year’s art will mark the 450th birthday of Date Masamune!

Date: Sun. 28th May 9:00~13:00

Starting Location: Misawa Community Centre

Rice Planting Location: Yanazawa Rice Paddy Art Field

Max. People: First 200 persons

FeeHigh School Students and above 2,000 Yen
       Junior HS students and below 1,500 Yen

For Partipants:Lunch provided, 2kg present of Tsuyahime Rice after harvest (Those who participate in the harvest event on the 1st October will receive 5kg)  

Please Bring:Sandals, Towel, Change of clothes, Rain gear, Matts/Covers for inside cars.

The Rice planting takes place barefoot in mud so please wear attire that you don’t mind getting dirty.

Application Period:Sat. 1st April ~ Fri. 19th May

※Or until all places are filled

Other:When applying please provide Address, Name, Age, Gender and Phone Number

Applications/Enquiries:Tourism Department

Or Agricultural Department 22-5111


英语游戏「复活节 彩蛋制作」

  • <p>英语游戏「复活节 彩蛋制作」</p>


来装饰它。一起来制作复活节 彩蛋吧!


◆日期:4 月 9 日(星期日) 10:30~11:30

◆地点:米沢市国際交流广场 彩虹(YIRA)

◆报名费:儿童一人 300 日元 对象:3 岁~小学生

限前 15 个名额 ※需要提前报名参加


Fun with English! Easter Egg Painting!

  • Fun with English! Easter Egg Painting!

A fun kids event where we’ll be painting Easter Eggs and
playing some fun English games! Come join in!

◆Date:Sun. 9th March 10:30~11:30
◆Location: YIRA Plaza ‘Arcus’
◆Fee:300 Yen per child. Ages 3-Elem. School.
15 places max. *Applications necessary.
