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  • 5月の中国語でランチ


日時:  中国語 5月18日 (木)


参加費:無料(昼食持参) ※申込不要



  • <p>米泽上杉节</p>












9点30分开始 小学校的鼓乐队 市内小学生的鼓乐队的游行队列 (从南部小学出发)

9点30分开始 神轿渡仪式 古式的传统上杉神社渡轿(从南部小学出发)

10点20分开始 上杉军队列出发仪式 (兴让小学)

 上杉军队列 武士队列将威风堂堂的在市内游行


 5月3日(星期三 节假日)




咨询处/米泽上杉节实行委员会 电话/22-9607


요네자와 우에스기 축제

  • <p>요네자와 우에스기 축제</p>

 시대의 숨결을 현재까지도 전하는 우에스기 축제가 아래의 스케줄로 개최됩니다。부디 보아 주십시오!!

부테이시키 5월2일(화)

18:30 ~ 우에스기 켄신이 출진 할 때마다 반드시 행하는 의식을 재현。붉게 타오르는 화톳불을 피우고、약1시간에 걸쳐 고텐수이의 의식、신불의 왕림을 기도하는 등 엄숙하게 거행될 예정입니다。

장소/마쓰카와 하천부지

우에스기 행렬 5월3일(수・축)

9:30 ~ 초등학교 고적대  시내 초등학생에 의한 고적대 퍼레이드

(남부 초등학교 부터)

9:30 ~  신위의 행차 예스럽고 우아한 우에스기신사의 가마 행차

(남부 초등학교 부터)

10:20 ~ 우에스기 군단행렬 출발식(고죠칸 초등학교)

우에스기군단행렬  출발식에 이어 위풍당당한 군단행렬이 출발。

가와나카지마 전투 5월3일 (수・축)

14:00 ~ 전국사상 최대의 사투라고 했던、에이로쿠4년의 가와나카지마 전투로 부터450여년。화승총의 발포등 우에스기 켄신이 말을 타고 혼자 다케다군의 적진에 쳐들어가 싸우고 왔다는「미타치나나타치」 、 총공격의、우에스기・다케다군 합하여 약800명 갑옷입은 무사가 섞여 싸우는 전투신은 압권입니다。 

◆문의처/요네자와 우에스기 축제 실행위원회 22-9607


Yonezawa Uesugi Festival

  • Yonezawa Uesugi Festival

It’s time for Yonezawa’s biggest festival! Check out the schedule for the Uesugi Festival below.

Buteishiki –


Tuesday 2nd of May 18:30 ~


A recreation of the ceremony performed before Uesugi Kenshin set off for battle. Witness this historical rite conducted in the shining light of nearby bonfires.

Lasts about 1 hour.


Location: Matsugawa Riverbed


Uesugi Parade  Wednesday 3rd of May


Elementary School Drum and Fife Band: Starting from Nanbu Elementary School (9:30)


Portable Shrines: Starting from Nanbu Elementary School (9:30)


Uesugi Army Parade Opening Ceremony: Starting from K?j? Elementary School (10:20)  


Kawanakajima Battle Re-enactment  Wednesday 3rd of May 14:00  


Said to be one of the bloodiest and most important battle of the warring states period, watch this frantic reenactment with other 800 participants fighting in full warrior armour. Enjoy the full power of the Uesugi and Takeda clans clashing.


◆Enquiries: Yonezawa Uesugi Festival Committee 22-9607 (English Available)


Yonezawa Uesugi Festival Hashtag # Campaign

  • Yonezawa Uesugi Festival Hashtag # Campaign

For this year's Uesugi Festival you have the chance to win prizes by adding hashtags to your posts on social media!

In order to participate follow the Yonezawa Tourism Navi (米沢(よねざわ)観光(かんこう)ナビ(なび)) account on either Instagram or Twitter and hashtag your Uesugi Festival posts with the following:


(Uesugi Matsuri Gensou no Yonezawa)

Please make sure to put your hashtags in Japanese to be eligible!

The best posts will be selected to win some special Yonezawa Prizes.

You can make as many posts as you want with the above hashtag and if you’re selected we will contact you via Direct Message!

Application Period:

Sat April 29th – Sun. 7th May


First Prize: (one available) Yonezawa Beef 10,000 Yen gift card

Second Prize: (two available) Yonezawa Beef 5,000 Yen gift card

Special Prize: (10 available) Kanetan goods and a special clear file (not available for purchase!)


If your account/posts are set to private or do not contain the appropriate hashtag you will not be eligible for this campaign. Also, if you are chosen but aren’t following the Yonezawa Tourism Navi accounts we will be unable to contact you- making your application void.

Posts may be uploaded onto the city website so if your pictures depict someone other than yourself please get their permission before posting.

Posts that contain copyrighted material/characters are not eligible.

Posts cannot contain private information such as names, addresses or phone-numbers.  
