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  • <p>中文午餐</p>



◆日期/ 中文 1 月 18 日(星期四)12 点~13 点

◆地点/米沢市国際交流广场 彩虹(YIRA)



YIRA Mochi-making New Year's Party

  • YIRA Mochi-making New Year's Party

 Making mochi is a Japanese new year’s tradition! Come join the fun with YIRA!
Also come try calligraphy and traditional toys~ We’ll also be serving Korean Buchimgae!
◆Date:Sun. 28th Jan. 11:00~13:00 
◆Location:Okitama Culture Centre Room 203
◆Fee:Members 800yen Non-members 1,000yen 
JHS- Uni Stu. 800yen 3 y.o- Elem Stu. 500yen
※Pleas apply!★Contact YIRA for applications/enquiries!


January's English Lunch

  • January's English Lunch

Come for a relaxed chat with YIRA and learn the U.K! 
◆English Lunch  Fri. 24th Jan. 12:00~13:00
◆Location:Okitama Culture Hall YIRA Plaza ‘Arcus’
※Fee:Free Please bring your own lunch!


English Cafe

  • English Cafe

Why not come and converse with YIRA members in English?
The topic is ‘New Year’s Resolutions’!
◆Date:Sun. 21st Jan. 11:00~12:00
◆Location:YIRA Plaza ‘Arcus’
◆Fee:Members Free Non-members 500yen


January's Chinese Lunch

  • January's Chinese Lunch

Why not enjoy a relaxed lunch time chat with YIRA? Please bring your own lunch

◆Date: Chinese Thur. 18th Jan. 12:00-13:00

◆Location:YIRA Plaza ‘Arcus’

◆Fee:Free(Please bring your own lunch)
