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영어 카페

  • <p>영어 카페</p>

영어로만 이야기하는 시간 어떻습니까? 부담없이 영어 연습을 할 찬스!

테마:‘The Future’ (미래)

◆언제:4 월 28 일(토)11:00~12:00

◆장소:요네자와시국제교류플라자 아카스

◆참가비:회원 무료 비회원:500 엔


2018 Tohoku Michi no Eki (Service Station) Stamp Rally

  • 2018 Tohoku Michi no Eki (Service Station) Stamp Rally

Visit any ‘Michi no Eki’ Service Station in the Tohoku area and collect special stamps to win prizes. A total of 160 stations for you to check out!
Why not come visit and win some prizes?

Period: Sat. April 14th 2018 – Tue. 15th January 2019 


Matsugasaki Park Cherry Blossom Light Up

  • Matsugasaki Park Cherry Blossom Light Up

 Yonezawa has started to turn pink with the coming of the cherry blossoms!

You can enjoy the beautiful sakura in the evenings as well as every night until golden week the area around the Uesugi-jinja shrine will be lit up.

Light Up Period:

Thur. April 12th – Golden week

Matsugasaki Park (Uesugi Shrine) 

992-0052 Yonezawa City Maru no Uchi 1-4
*Please note changes may occur due to cherry blossom conditions.


Kitamura Park Cherry Blossom Light Up

  • Kitamura Park Cherry Blossom Light Up

The area around Kitamura Park will be illuminated at night time, come see the beautiful cherry blossoms during the evenings.

Light Up Period:

Fri 14th April – Golden Week

18:00 – 22:30

Kitamura Park

992-0012 Yonezawa City Kanaike 4 Chome

* Please note changes may occur due to cherry blossom conditions.


YIRA お花見

  • YIRA お花見

◆日時:4月22日(日)11:00-13:00 雨天の場合中止です!
◆参加費:無料   自分の弁当、飲み物をじさんください!
申し込み不要 詳しい内容事務局までお問い合わせください~

Relax with YIRA and enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms! 
◆Date: Sun. 22nd April 11:00~13:00 (May be called off due to Weather) 
◆Location: Uesugi Shrine `Chinkon no Oka`
Cross the main bridge and up the steps on the left 
◆Fee: Participation is free - please bring your own food and drink. No need to apply! For more info contact YIRA!
Emergencies/Inquiries: 090-2849-9145
