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Report: Sri Lanka Curry Event!

  • Report: Sri Lanka Curry Event!
  • Report: Sri Lanka Curry Event!
  • Report: Sri Lanka Curry Event!
  • Report: Sri Lanka Curry Event!
  • Report: Sri Lanka Curry Event!

On the 8th of November YIRA held a special Sri Lanka Curry event. 

Special guests Samanta and Amira from Sri Lanka provided a very interesting introduction to their beautiful country! 

Everyone got to eat delicious Sri Lankan Curry and there was even a chance to eat with your fingers in traditional Sri Lankan style! A great experience for all. 

Please check out the pictures above!


(November) English Lunch!

  • (November) English Lunch!

Come listen to stories about the UK and practice English with YIRA

◆Date: 18th November 12:00~13:00
◆Location: YIRA Plaza 'Arcus'
◆Fee: Free (Please bring your own lunch)
※ No Applications Necessary!



(November) Chinese Lunch!

  • (November) Chinese Lunch!

Come join YIRA for a friendly chat about China and practice Chinese! 

◆Date: 11th November 12:00~13:00
◆Location: YIRA Plaza 'Arcus'
◆Fee: Free (Please bring your own lunch) 

No applications necessary! 
