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May's English Lunch

  • May's English Lunch

Come for a relaxed lunch with YIRA and learn about China and the UK!

Date: English   Wed. 31st May 12:00~13:00

Location:YIRA Plaza ‘Arcus’

Fee:Free(Please bring your own lunch)


English Caf?

  • English Caf?

This time the theme is ‘Media’. Come and have a chat about your favorite films, TV shows, Music and more! Meet new friends at YIRA!

Date:Sat. 27th May 11:00 – 12:00 

Location:YIRA Plaza ‘Arcus’

Fee:Members- Free Non-members 500 Yen


May's Chinese Lunch

  • May's Chinese Lunch

Come for a relaxed lunch with YIRA and learn about China and the UK!

Date:  Chinese Thur. 18th May12:00~13:00

Location:YIRA Plaza ‘Arcus’

Fee:Free(Please bring your own lunch)


April's English Lunch

  • April's English Lunch

Join YIRA for a relaxed chat about the UK
◆Date: Thur. 28th April 12:00~13:00
◆Location: YIRA Plaza 'Arcus' 
◆Fee: Free (Please bring your own lunch) ※No need to apply


~Cherry Blossom Viewing~

  • ~Cherry Blossom Viewing~

Relax with YIRA and enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms! 
◆Date: Sat. 22nd April 11:00~13:00 (May be called off due to Weather) 
◆Location: Uesugi Shrine `Chinkon no Oka`
Cross the main bridge and up the steps on the left 
◆Fee: Participation is free - please bring your own food and drink. No need to apply! For more info contact YIRA!
