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Yonezawa 'Ai' Bar Hopping Special Event!

  • Yonezawa 'Ai' Bar Hopping Special Event!

Yonezawa is holding a very special ‘Bar Hopping’ event! Enjoy the Yonezawa nightlife with some special deals – why not try something new tonight? Over 35 stores are participating.

Each store has their own special deal. Be sure to check them out!

Campaign Period: Mon. 5th September ~ Sat. 1st October

Also we’ll be having a special lottery! Collect three different stamps from participating stores to be in with a chance of getting some Yonezawa goodies!


Lottery Draw: Sat. 1st October 13:00~21:00
Location: Outside Naseba Library

  • 1st October is ‘Sake Day’ We’ll be handing out free tasters of sake starting from 17:00.

For more information click here:
Rules      Participating Stores


제 5 회 나세바나르 가을 축제

  • <p>제 5 회 나세바나르 가을 축제</p>
  • <p>제 5 회 나세바나르 가을 축제</p>


요잔공시、서민들이 끈을 매달아 바구니에상품을넣어판매 했던 봇쿠이이치를재현합니다

금년도 나세바나르 가을 축제가 개최 됩니다!


전통공예인 요네자와직물・사사 노잇토보리・요네자와야키。그런 것을 전시・체험・판매를합니다。

돔돔마츠리 교류물산전

요네자와소고기덮밥、스테키덮 밥등 이지방 정통의 덮밥、요네 자와풍의 이모니등 판매합니다。

마시코도자기 인 요네자와

동일본대재해부터 부흥지원 이 인연이 된 도기시도 올해로 6 회째를 맞이합니다。

옛 놀이 체험

지금은 별로 놀 수 없는 옛날에 있던 놀이를 체험하는 코너입니다。


차세대를 짊어질 어린이들의 발표랑 시민단체등에 의한 스테이지 이벤트를 합니다。

■언제/이상의 이벤트는 9 월 24 일(토)・25 일(일)、10:00~17:00 (최종일은 16:00 까지)

초목탑제는 24 일(토)、12:00~12:45 ■

장소/마츠가사키 공원、덴코크노모리 주변

■문의/나세바나르 가을 축제 실행위원회 0238-22-9607

셔틀버스(유료)은 양일 9:30~17:30、요네자와 시청에서 발차합니다。(약 20 분 간격)


The 5th Nasebanaru Autumn Festival!

  • The 5th Nasebanaru Autumn Festival!
  • The 5th Nasebanaru Autumn Festival!

・"Dondon" Rice Bowl Festival and special goods vendors.

Enjoy Yonezawa Beef Rice Bowls, Steak Rice Bows and others made with local ingredients! Special products made locally and from nearby cities will also be available!

A traditional stretch of unmanned stalls selling a variety of goods. Back in the time of Uesugi Youzan these stalls, even though unmanned would rarely ever see theft. Step back in time and take a look!

・Traditional games and toys workshop

・Traditional Village – Step into the past

Come see traditional folk crafts such as Yonezawa textiles, Otakka Poppo Hawk Figures and Yonezawa Ceramics. Crafting experiences as well as goods are available!

・Stage Events

・Somokutou Festival

In the past people would create stone monuments to show their respect to nature. These have become a staple of Yonezawa’s culture – come join those in viewing these monuments and feel a part of Yonezawa’s history.

Date: Sat. 24th September 10:00~17:00

     Sun. 25th September 10:00~16:00

Location: Matsugasaki Park – Denkoku no Mori  

Enquiries: Nasebanaru Autumn Festival Committee



第 5 届有志者事竟成秋季节日

  • <p>第 5 届有志者事竟成秋季节日</p>
  • <p>第 5 届有志者事竟成秋季节日</p>


这里将再现在鹰山公时代、 老百姓把绳子吊住商品来售卖的 棒杭市场。


米泽的传统工艺,米泽织, 笹野一刀雕,米泽陶瓷。 传统市场将有展示,体验, 贩卖等活动。

盖浇饭节 物产交流展

米泽牛肉盖浇饭, 牛排饭等本地素材的盖浇饭, 还将出售米泽特色的煮芋头汤等。

益子陶瓷 in 米泽

起源于东日本大地震复兴 支援的陶瓷市场,今年是第六年。


在这里可以体验到现代稀少的 传统游戏。


传承重任的儿童们的 表演和市民团体等舞台表演也 不容错过。


■日期/上面介绍的活动日期是 9 月 24 日(星期六)・25 日 (星期日)、10:00~17:00 (最终日到 16:00)

草木塔节是 24 日(星期六)、12:00~12:45


■咨询处/有志者事竟成秋季节日实行委员会 0238-22-9607

穿梭巴士(收费)两日 9:30~17:30、从米泽市政府出发。(发车间隔为 20 分钟左右)

大人(中学生以上)100 日元、小学生 50 日元 (幼儿免费)


Rice Paddy Art Rice Harvesting!

  • Rice Paddy Art  Rice Harvesting!

This May hundreds of participants got together to plant the amazing Rice Paddy art of Uesugi Kagekatsu and Sanada Yukimura. As the rice becomes ready for Harvest - the art will start to become yellow in colour and the night time light up view will be available until the 20th of August every Friday and Saturday between 19:00-21:00.

 Come join us as we harvest the rice! Participants will also get special gifts!


(Application Period) Mon. 1st August ~ Fri. 23rd September (First 200 people)

(Harvesting Date) Sun. 2nd October 9:00~13:00

(Please Arrive at) Misawa Community Center


(Participation Fee)   (General) Adult (High School +) 2,000 Yen

                      Children (Middle School and below) 1,500 Yen

                    (Group) Adult (High School +) 2,000 Yen

                      Children (Middle School and below) 1,500 Yen


  • Groups consist of 15 people +, Restricted to organizations through PTA


  • The Participating Fee covers Lunch, Insurance and Tsuyahime Rice that will be given out after the event.


(Enquiries・Applications) Rice Paddy Art Experience Committee

                       (Yonezawa City Hall Tourism Department)


                TEL: 0238-22-5111   (Extension 3809)

                FAX: 0238-24-4541

                E-mail: y-kanko@ms5.omn.ne.jp
