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Onsen Musume Stamp Rally (December 1, 2019 - February 29, 2020)

  • Onsen Musume Stamp Rally (December 1, 2019 - February 29, 2020)
  • Onsen Musume Stamp Rally (December 1, 2019 - February 29, 2020)
  • Onsen Musume Stamp Rally (December 1, 2019 - February 29, 2020)

Onsen Musume is a multimedia franchise in which onsen become idols, forming groups and competing against one another. Yonezawa is fortunate enough to have its own character in the series! Her name is Onogawa Komachi, and she represents Onogawa Onsen. Around the onsen, there are many shops with her image and merchandise for fans to check out.


In fact, many of these locations will be participating in a stamp rally, which will run from December 1, 2019 until February 29, 2020. Near each onsen, QR codes can be found at locations that have a standee of their character. By scanning this QR code using a special app, that location will be registered as part of the stamp rally. (This app can be found at https://rallyapp.jp) This will occur not only in Yonezawa, but in other parts of Tohoku as well, including the prefectures of Akita, Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima. In total, there are 61 participating locations across five prefectures.


The list of each participating onsen can be found below:


  • Shin-Tamagawa Onsen, Nyuto Onsen (Akita Prefecture)
  • Hanamaki Onsen-kyo (Iwate Prefecture)
  • Yama no Kami Onsen (Iwate Prefecture)
  • Akiu Onsen (Miyagi Prefecture)
  • Matsushima Onsen (Miyagi Prefecture)
  • Atsumi Onsen, Ginzan Onsen (Yamagata Prefecture)
  • Zao Onsen (Yamagata Prefecture)
  • Onogawa Onsen (Yamagata Prefecture)
  • Iizaka Onsen (Fukushima Prefecture)
  • Bandai Atami Onsen (Fukushima Prefecture)
  • Iwaki Yumoto Onsen (Fukushima Prefecture)


Below are the available prizes for participating in the stamp rally:


Rank 1 Prize: Body pillow cover of preferred character (Limited to three winners. Must visit at least 3 onsen locations and scan 10 QR codes to be eligible.)


Rank 2 Prize: Cushion cover of preferred character. (Limited to 10 winners. Must visit at least 2 onsen locations and scan 5 QR codes to be eligible.)


Rank 3 Prize: Acrylic figure of preferred character. (Limited to 30 winners. Must scan at least 2 QR codes.


(“Preferred character” above refers to one of the 13 Onsen Musume characters in the Tohoku region.)


Completionist Prize: Those who scan all 61 QR codes will receive a special pin set of all 13 Tohoku Onsen Musume characters.


Additionally, those among the first to visit certain locations will receive badges or stickers. These locations are:


  • Onogawa Onsen (Yamagata Prefecture)
  • Iizaka Onsen (Fukushima Prefecture)
  • Matsushima Onsen (Miyagi Prefecture)
  • Iwaki Yumoto Onsen (Fukushima Prefecture)
  • Hanamaki Onsen-kyo (Iwate Prefecture)


For more information, please visit: https://www.stamprally.net/uunlbvkqlbetjcnj (information in Japanese).



Typhoon Hagibis Information

  • Typhoon Hagibis Information
  • Typhoon Hagibis Information
  • Typhoon Hagibis Information
  • Typhoon Hagibis Information

There will likely be a typhoon approaching Japan between October 12th and 13th. Please pay attention to the weather forecasts and prepare accordingly.

You can view information on the typhoon on apps such as “Safety Tips” and “NHK World Radio” as well as the official JNTO Twitter account “Japan Safe Travel.” QR codes are posted above.


12일 부터 13일에 십중팔구 태풍이 옵니다.날씨 정보를 잘 보십시오.

스마트 폰 아프리「Safety tips」랑「NHK WORLD RADIO」,

일본 정부 관광국의 공식 트위터「Japan Safe Travel」에서 정보를 볼 수 있습니다.



您也可以使用智能手机下载【Safety tips】,【NHK world radio】,或者日本政府观光局的公式推特号【Japan Safe Travel】关注最新天气预报。



제8회 나세바나르 가을 마쓰리가 개최됩니다!

  • <p>제8회 나세바나르 가을 마쓰리가 개최됩니다!</p>

가을 마쓰리 이외에、텐겐다이 단풍 트래킹・이모니(토란국)카이의 정보도 있으므로 부디 체크 해 보십시오。

가을 마쓰리는 이벤트가 풍성!부디 와 주십시오!


・봇쿠이 이치

・옛날 놀이


・교류 물산전

・요이마쓰리 (타이코(북)、사무라이(무사)、참새 춤 등을 포함한 퍼포먼스!)


・전통시 등


【개최 일시】 9월28일(토) 10:00〜17:00 (나세바나르 요이마쓰리18:30〜20:00)

        9월29일(일) 10:00〜16:00


【개최 장소】 마쓰가사키공원・덴코크노모리 주변

※회장 주변은 주차장이 조금밖에 없으므로、요네자와 시청에서 유료 셔틀버스를 이용해 주십시오。



  • <p>第8届有志者事竟成秋季节日将隆重举行!</p>











開催日時 9月28日(星期六) 10:00~17:00 (有志者事竟成晚宵节18:30~20:00)

        9月29日(日) 10:00~16:00

【開催場所】 松岬公園・伝国之杜周围

