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Notice Regarding the Postponement of the 2020 Yonezawa Uesugi Festival

  • Notice Regarding the Postponement of the 2020 Yonezawa Uesugi Festival

The Yonezawa Uesugi Festival was originally planned to be held from April 29 - May 3. Unfortunately, due to the effects of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, it has been postponed.


As the city’s premier spring event, we know there were many people looking forward to attending the festival. However, keeping everyone’s health and safety in mind, we came to the decision to delay it. We hope that you understand this decision. The period the festival will be held will change, but we are working toward making it a very enjoyable experience for those who attend in the future.


We look forward to enjoying the festival with you at a later point!




레이와2년도 요네자와 우에스기 마쓰리 개최 연기의 알림


레이와2년4월29일(수・축)~5월3일(일・축)에 개최를 예정했던「요네자와 우에스기 마쓰리」가、신형 코로나 바이러스 감염병의 확대로 인해 개최를 연기하기로 했습니다。


본 시의 봄의 제일 큰 이벤트이기도 한、개최를 기대하던 분도 계신 것을 알고 있지만、참가자와 내장하시는 여러분의 건강과 안전을 고려해서、개최를 연기하기로 결단한 것을、부디 이해해 주시기 부탁드립니다。개최시기는 변경이 되지만、내장하시는 모든 분들의 기대에 부응하도록、기획을 생각해 보겠습니다。


개최연기에 따른 상세한 것은 결정되는 대로、수시로 홈페이지에 게재하므로 확인해 주시기 바랍니다。




2020年 米泽上杉节延期的通知


















Uesugi Hakushakutei Hina Doll Gallery: Hina Dolls by the Artisans of Today

  • Uesugi Hakushakutei Hina Doll Gallery: Hina Dolls by the Artisans of Today
  • Uesugi Hakushakutei Hina Doll Gallery: Hina Dolls by the Artisans of Today
  • Uesugi Hakushakutei Hina Doll Gallery: Hina Dolls by the Artisans of Today
  • Uesugi Hakushakutei Hina Doll Gallery: Hina Dolls by the Artisans of Today

During the period of February 3 (Mon.) - April 3 (Fri.), a gallery of Hina dolls made by modern creators representing the Okitama region will be on display.


This display features established creators who hold solo exhibitions and are famous in Okitama, as well as rising artisans garnering high praise.


Each doll is unique to its creator, and the gallery is filled with many amazing dolls filled with passion.


Please feel free to check out these wonderful creations!


Some are available for sale as well, so feel free to purchase and take home a doll of your liking.


The gallery is available for viewing anytime the Hakushakutei is open. Please feel free to visit.


~~~ Artist Introductions ~~~


Paper collage - Umechigiri-san
Harakata quilting - Endo Kiyoko
Kokeshi dolls - Daisuke Takeda
Sasano Ittoubori - Kanpu Toda 
Glass beads - Mari Takeda
Sagara dolls - TakashiSagara
Tou dolls - Sou Mizuno
Crepe dolls - Wataru Watanabe
Rokuroku crafts - Kenichi Sato
Japanese embroidery - Akemi Nakajima


Gallery period: February 3 (Mon.) - April 3 (Fri.), 2020. (The gallery will be closed during each Wednesday until March.)


Hours: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm


Viewing fee: Free


Location: Uesugi Hakushakutei (located on the southern side of Uesugi Shrine)


We look forward to seeing you at the Hakushakutei!


Information Regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

  • Information Regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Along with many other countries, Japan is currently experiencing a coronavirus outbreak.


As of March 2, 2020, there have been no reported cases of coronavirus in Yamagata Prefecture.


However, neighboring Miyagi and Niigata Prefectures have had cases reported.


Please keep the outbreak in mind before traveling. It is also suggested to avoid gatherings with a high volume of people.


In order to prevent spread of the virus, please make sure to:

• Regularly wash your hands

• Use hand sanitizer pumps if available

• Avoid touching your face


Please visit the following website for more information about the coronavirus outbreak:



Additionally, the Japan National Tourism Organization offers a hotline for inquires about the coronavirus in English, Korean, and Chinese. The phone number is 050-3816-2787.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
















• 勤洗手,认真洗手

• 如果有酒精消毒喷瓶的话,建议使用

• 尽量避免触摸脸部












신형 코로나 바이러스에 관한 정보(COVID-19)


일본에서는 신형 코로나 바이러스가 유행하고 있습니다.


2020년3월2일 현재、야마가타현에서는 감염사례가 보고되지 않았습니다.


그러나、근처의 미야기현과 니가타현은、보고된 감염사례가 있습니다.


많은 사람이 모이는 곳은 가지 않도록 하십시오.


신형 코로나 바이러스 대책으로서、아래와 같이 지켜 주십시오.


• 손을 잘 씻을것

• 알콜 소독제가 있으면、사용한다

• 얼굴등을 만지지 말것


자세한 것은 아래의 링크를 읽어 보십시오.




JNTO는 전화 문의를 받고 있습니다。영어、한국어、중국어로 상담합니다. 전화번호는 050-3816-2787입니다.


협력 감사합니다.




The Uesugi Snow Lantern Festival English Website is Now Available

  • The Uesugi Snow Lantern Festival English Website is Now Available

The upcoming Uesugi Snow Lantern Festival now has an official English website available!


Please click here to access the website.


The Uesugi Snow Lantern Festival will be held from February 8 (Sat.) to February 9 (Sun.), 2020. Please feel free to come during this time to see the beautiful handmade lanterns at Uesugi Shrine.
