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E-Bike Rentals in Yonezawa!

  • E-Bike Rentals in Yonezawa!
  • E-Bike Rentals in Yonezawa!

E-Bike Rentals in Yonezawa!

The city of Yonezawa is planning to begin offering e-bike rentals in Yonezawa beginning in August! Additionally, a service compatible with smartphones that displays routes for visitors will be available for use.

As part of a trial period for the e-bike initiative, two locations as of June are already offering rental services.

Feel free to rent an e-bike and explore Yonezawa!

Rental locations: 
Michi no Eki Yonezawa
JR Yonezawa Station

Number of e-bikes available:
10 at each location (15 beginning on August 1)

Rental hours:
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

4 hours or under - 1000 yen
Over 4 hours and less than 8 hours - 2000 yen

Rental registration:
Please register directly at each location.
(Registering in advance is also available. We ask that you present identification when pre-registering.)

Other information:
An app is available that displays routes and guidance for your e-bike trip.

First, install the mountain climbing GPS app called ヤマップ (“Yamappu”). After, you can find routes by selecting “E-BIKEでめぐる 米沢癒やしの旅物語.”

For more information on the app, please ask at the rental locations.

・ Michi no Eki Yonezawa (Tourist Information Center)
Phone number: 0238-40-8400

・ JR Yonezawa Station (Okitama Tourist Information Center ASK)
Phone number: 0238-24-2965


Yonezawa Uesugi Museum: Thomas the Tank Engine Exhibition


  • Yonezawa Uesugi Museum: Thomas the Tank Engine Exhibition<p>(한국어・汉语)</p>

For the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Yonezawa Uesugi Museum, the museum will be holding a Thomas the Tank Engine special exhibition. The story was created by the British Reverend Wilbert Awdrey, who improvised a story about anthropomorphized trains to his son Christopher while he was recovering from illness. These stories were published in 1945 as The Railway Series. Taking place on the fictional British isle of Sodor, the stories began to be published at a pace of once per year, becoming renowned around the world. 


The books were published in Japan in 1973, and the stories became even more popular upon the start of the animated series in 1984. In 1990, the animated series began airing in Japan, becoming established as a popular title that children could enjoy together with their parents. In the story, Thomas hopes to become a useful tank engine, making mistakes and reflecting on them upon the way. The story, showing Thomas dealing with his friends and various tasks, covers themes such as honesty, sincerity, effort, and cooperation. Viewers can see the moral values put in by Reverend Awdrey by enjoying Thomas the Tank Engine.


The exhibition will consist of figures of the characters and elements of the animated show, as well as original drawings made for the picture books, including some from works being shown in Japan for the first time. While enjoying the items on display, visitors can get a chance to revisit the message and values that Reverend Awdrey conveyed to his children.


Exhibition period: June 26 (Sat.), 2021 - August 1 (Sun.), 2021
(Closed on July 28 (Wed.))


Open hours: 9:00 - 17:00
(Ticket sales are until 16:30.)


Entry fee:
General ticket - 500 (400) yen, high school students - 300 (240) yen, elementary and middle school students - 200 (160) yen


Prices in parentheses are for groups consisting of 20 or more people.


Yonezawa Uesugi Museum
〒992-0052 Yamagata-ken, Yonezawa-shi, Marunouchi 1-2-1
Phone number: 0238-26-8001



Please visit this link for more details. (Japanese)


요네자와시 우에스기 박물관「기관차 토마스 전」의 안내

요네자와시 우에스기 박물관에서는 개관20주년 기획전「기관차 토마스 전」을 개최합니다.
영국의 목사 윌바트・오드리 가 병상의 아들 크리스토파 에게 즉흥적으로 이야기해 들려준 의인화 된 기관차 이야기는 1945년에「기관차의 그림책」으로서 출판됐습니다.영국의 가공의 섬「소도 섬」을 무대로 한 이야기는 그 후에 년 한권 페이스로 출판되고,전 세계에서 사랑 받고 1973년에는 일본어 번역판이 출판,1984년부터는「기관차 토마스(기관차 토마스와 친구들)」로 인형극 애니메이션화 되고 그 인기는 더욱 퍼져 나갔습니다.
일본에서도1990년부터 텔레비전 방송을 시작하고,가족과 함께 즐기는 인기작품으로서 정착되었습니다.도움이 되는 기관차를 목표로 실패 나 반성을 거듭하며 일 과 동료들과 합의해 나가는 토마스의 이야기에는 정직, 성실 ,노력 ,협력 등,목사인 오드리가 작품에 담은 도덕적 가치관을 볼 수 있습니다.
이 전시에서는 일본 첫 공개작품을 포함하는 그림책,원화,인형극,애니메이션 모두 조화롭게 구성합니다.작품의 매력을 감상하면서 원작자가 어린이들에게 전하고 싶었던 메시지로 되돌아옵니다.

【개최일】 2021년6월26일(토)~8월1일(일)

【개관시간】 9:00~17:00(입장16:30까지)

【요 금】 일반500(400)엔 고교생,대학생300(240)엔 초중학생200(160)엔
     ※( )는 20명 이상 단체요금

【문 의】 요네자와시 우에스기 박물관
        〒992-0052 야마가타켄 요네자와시 마루노우치1-2-1

※자세한 것은 이쪽으로 보십시오. (일본어)



英国牧师为了鼓励在病床斗病的儿子克里斯托弗而编的故事。“托马斯”最早出现在英国牧师瑞福·奥德瑞在1945年创作的《铁路系列(The Railway Series)》故事中,这个蓝色蒸汽小火车和他的火车好朋友们居住在多多岛上(The Island Of Sodor),一同冒险,一同成长。





【门 票】普通票500(400)日元 高中生,大学生300(240)日元
     ※( )内是 20名以上的团体价格

        〒992-0052 山形县米泽市丸之内1-2-1



Tengendai Kogen: Summer Mountains Open for Climbing June 11!

  • Tengendai Kogen: Summer Mountains Open for Climbing June 11!

Starting on June 11 (Fri.), visitors will be able to climb the summer mountains at Tengendai Kogen. Feel free to visit to participate in and enjoy the annual prayer for safety, mountain climbing, and many more events to come!


Nishi Azuma Summer Mountain Prayer for Safety Ceremony and Pre-open
Date: June 11, 2021 (Fri.)
Shinto ritual: Starting at 10:00 am


Location: Kofuku no Kane (Bell of Good Fortune) area


*Once the prayer ceremony finishes, the lifts will open and be available for visitors to ride.


17th Alpine Plant Viewing Hiking Event
Walk through a forest of firs with a Nishi Azuma guide.
Date: June 13 (Sun.), 2021


~ 2021 Summer Events Overview ~
July 22 (Thurs.) - 25 (Sun.): Tengendai Summer Festival
July 24 (Sat.), July 31 (Sat.), August 7 (Sat.), August 14 (Sat.): Ropeway Night Rides
August 7 (Sat.) - 15 (Sun.): Obon Week
September 11 (Sat.), 12 (Sun.): Tengendai Visitor Appreciation Day & Autumn Festival


For more details, please visit the Tengendai official website (Japanese).


〒992-1461 Yamagata-ken, Yonezawa-shi, Shirabu Onsen Tengendai
Phone number: 0238-55-2236


Yonezawa Winter Life Fair in Yilan County, Taiwan (漢語・汉语・한국어)

Although it is difficult to come to Yonezawa during this time, those in Taiwan can experience Yonezawa from home! A Yonezawa fair is being held in Yilan County, Taiwan, with the theme of winter life in Yonezawa.


With a focus on highlighting Yonezawa’s food culture, we hope that people who enjoy the festival will choose Yonezawa as a travel destination when it becomes more safe to do so.


Please check the official website and Facebook page for the event to see further details about the event.


- Event Details -


Event Period: February 20, 2021 - March 7, 2021, 10:00-18:00


Location: Main location - Cheng Le Tong (?楽通)

    Address - 台北市大同區迪化街一段127號


    Talk Session 1 location: 好土: home to

    Talk Session 2 location: 米食堂


Event Content:


• Main location


An example of Japanese traditional food culture, katemono, will be available. An exhibition of photographs that give visitors an idea of winter life in Yonezawa will be on display, along with traditional crafts, such as otaka-poppo, Yonezawa tableware, Sagara dolls, and Yonezawa textile work.


• Talk Session 1


“Taiwanese People Eat Wild Grasses, and Japanese People Do as Well - Introduction to Japanese/Taiwanese Culture of Weeds”


Event time: March 6 (Sat.), 2021, 14:30-16:00

Event location: 好土: home to (Address: 台北市中山区中山北路2段72レーン201階)


Contents: Winter life in Yonezawa, with an introduction of Yonezawa’s specialties and hot springs as well. 


• Talk Session 2


“The Castle Town of Yonezawa: A Walk in Yonezawa”


Event time: March 7, 2021, 15:00-16:30

Event location: 米食堂 (Address: (台北大安区平和東路第2区間175レーン12)


Contents: Even though they are not able to go in person now, attendants will feel as if they visited Yonezawa themselves through this event focusing on Japanese sake. The lecturer will discuss sake and the audience will get to try it.









地點:主會場 埕樂通(臺北市大同區迪化街一段127號)

講座①會場 好土:home to

講座②會場 米食堂



























日 期:2021年2月20日~2021年3月7日 10:00~18:00

地 点:主会场 埕乐通(台北市大同区迪化街一段127号)

     讲座①会场 好土: home to

     讲座②会场 米食堂







日 期:2021年3月6日(周六)14:30~16:00

地 点:好土(台北市中山区中山北路二段72巷20号1楼)

讲 师:三玉号煮茶人 苏立中


内 容:米泽冬日生活之物产,温泉的介绍。保存食风土介绍及试饮。


「米泽的城下町 米沢散步」

日 期:2021年3月7日 15:00-16:30

地 点:米食堂(台北大安区平和东路第2区间175巷12号)

讲 师:SSI认证的国际品酒师。持有烧酒顾问资格证书。

内  容:现在不能去米泽旅行,假装个人旅行去体验日本酒的魅力吧!




「 요네자와의 겨울 생활~대만에서 만나는 춥고 따뜻한 세계 」 개최에 대하여

코로나로 인해 인바운드 홍보가 어려운 상황이지만、이번에、대만의 의란현에서 요네자와 페스티벌「요네자와 겨울 생활 ~대만에서 만나는 춥고 따뜻한 세계 」을 개최하게 되었습니다。

코로나가 끝난후에 여행지로 요네자와시를 선택하도록、요네자와의 식문화를 중심으로 홍보하겠습니다 。

페스티벌의 모습은 이벤트 공식 홈페이지와 공식 페이스북 페이지에서 확인하실 수 있으므로 꼭 확인해 주십시오 。(자세한 것은 아래에 있습니다。)

이벤트 상세>>

개최일시: 레이와3년2월20일~레이와3년3원7일 10:00~18:00

개최장소:메인(メイン)장소  체르톤(台北市大同區迪化街一段127號)

     강좌①장소 好土: home to

     강좌②장소 米食堂


●메인(メイン) 장소

요네자와의 전통적인 식문화인「가테모노(돈부리 종류) 」나 겨울 생활을 알 수 있는 사진을 전시。

요네자와의 민예품(오타카뽓뽀、요네자와 도기、사가라 인형、요네자와 직물)전시。


「대만사람은 풀을 먹는다 、일본사람도 풀을 먹는다 ~일 대 잡초문화의 소개 」



강  사:三玉号ゆで茶人 蘇立中

전문인으로서 생태계의 풍부한 지식을 살려、가까운 자연이나 야생초에서 사람들에게 환경과의 공존에 대해 폭 넓게 제안하고 있다。

내  용:요네자와의 겨울 생활이나 물산 、온천 소개 。보존식풍토의 소개 ・시식。


「요네자와의 죠까마치(城下町) 요네자와 산책」

개최일시:레이와3년3월7일 15:00-16:30


강  사:SSI인정의 국제 시음사

소주 어드바이저 자격증 있음

内  容:현재 여행을 갈 수 없는 상황에서 요네자와에 개인 여행을 간 기분이 들 수 있도록、일본술을 중심으로 한 매력을 소개하고、체험하게 합니다。


Cancellation of the 2021 Uesugi Snow Lantern Festival


Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 Uesugi Snow Lantern Festival that was planned to occur during the weekend of February 13-14 has been cancelled. With the health and safety of visitors and participants in the festival being of utmost priority, the decision was made to cancel the event.


We know that many were looking forward to the festival, but we hope that you will understand why this difficult decision was made.


Although the festival has been cancelled, we ask for the help of businesses, schools, and other groups, along with individual households in Yonezawa, in building small snow lanterns (“yuki bonbori”) to light up the city, showing the hope of the people of Yonezawa.




제44회 우에스기 설등롱 마쓰리의(눈 축제) 개최 중지에 대하여


레이와3년2월13일(토)~2월14일(일)에 개최를 예정했던「제44회 우에스기 마쓰리」는、신형코로나바이러스 감염증 확대 상황을 감안하여、내장자나 관계자의 건강과 안전을 최우선으로 고려하여、개최 중지를 결정했습니다。


 마쓰리를 기대하고 있던 여러분들에게는、대단히 폐를 끼쳐 미안합니다만、이해해 주시기를 부탁드립니다。


 또한、축제는 취소되지만、시내를 희망의 등불로 비추기 위해、시내 기업이나 학교、단체、또、각 가정에서의 눈 등롱 제작에 협력해 주시기를 부탁드립니다。











