Animated feature film set in Yamagata, “My Oni Girl” will be in theaters on May 24!

A new animated feature film, “My Oni Girl” (Suki demo Kirai na Amanojaku), will be in domestic theatres and exclusively on Netflix on Friday, May 24, 2024!
Various locations in Yonezawa are also featured in this film, including JR Yonezawa Station, Sasano Kannon, Onogawa Onsen and many more!

If you stay in Yonezawa, you can sign up for a free advanced screening of the film! Stay tuned for more details regarding the registration!


Screening date: Saturday, May 11, 2024
Screening sessions: 12:00 pm and 4:40 pm
Venue: Aeon Cinema Yonezawa
Entry capacity: 200 per session (400 in total)
Registration period: From Monday, April 1 to Saturday, April 20, 2024 (Saturday) at 11:59 pm

A registration link will be available soon.



Official website
