Multi-Language New Year's Party

This year, instead of holding the usual mochi-pounding New Year's event, we will be holding a Mutli-Language New Year's party. Come learn about New Year's traditions from all over the world. The event will be held both online and in-person, so feel free to join in at the YIRA office or on Zoom!

◆YIRA Multi-Language New Year's Party

◆Date and time: January 30th, 2021 from 1-2pm

◆Location: YIRA Plaza "Arcus" or Zoom (online)

◆Fee: Free! (However, you must pay the internet fees if you participate online)

◆Sign-ups: If you would like to participate in person, feel free to drop by the YIRA office on the day of! If you would like to participate online, send a message to the YIRA Facebook containing your name, age, and nationality and we will send you the Zoom code ( You can also sign up by sending the same information to
※Please register at least one hour before start time, as we will send you the Zoom code.
