Reservations are Open for the Uesugi Snow Lantern Festival 2021!

The Uesugi Snow Lantern Fesitival 2021 will be held from February 13-14. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there will be entry gates for the festival that visitors must go through before entering. In order to avoid large crowds forming near the gates, we have introduced a reservation system for the festival this year.

There will be two locations that the festival is held at: the first is the area around Uesugi Shrine, and the second is near NaseBA Library.

Instructions in English for how to register can be found here.


1. Uesugi Shrine (Snow Lanterns)

Make your reservation here -> STORES 予約 から予約する


2. NaseBA Library (Bamboo Lights and Candle Zone)

Make your reservation here -> STORES 予約 から予約する


- Additional Uesugi Snow Lantern Festival Events -

3. Oshiri Tantei Show: February 14 (Sun.), two performances, held at Yonezawa Community Center (米沢市民文化会館)

Make your reservation here -> STORES 予約 から予約する


4. Bushotai and Taiko Performance: February 14 (Sun.), two performances, held at Denkoku no Mori Okitama Cultural Center

Make your reservation here -> STORES 予約 から予約する


Inquiries: Please contact for any inquiries in English. 

Uesugi Snow Lantern Festival Executive Committee Telephone Number: 0238-22-9607
