Be a samurai for a day! Uesugi Festival

The biggest festival of the year in Yonezawa is coming and you can join in the fun!

The Uesugi Festival celebrates the great samurai warrior Uesugi Kenshin – who was a renowned warrior and progenitor of the Uesugi Clan, the clan that ruled over the Yonezawa domain.

Part of the celebration involves a recreation of one of the biggest battles of the warring states period ‘The battle of Kawanakajima’ where Kenshin and Takeda Shingen met on the field of battle. Over 800 people in full samurai armor take to the battlefield and anyone can join in! Viewing is also completely free!

To see more of the festival click here

If you want to apply:

When: May 3rd 2019 8:00 – 16:00 – you need to be in Yonezawa for this day!

How much: 5000 JPY (Includes lunch and insurance)

Participants must be over the age of 18

To apply: Use the enquiry form on the sightseeing navi here and we’ll send you an e-mail with more details.

Please note places for the battle fill up fast so we'll e-mail you back to confirm whether you have a place.
