Rice Paddy Art, Participants Wanted!

Particpants are wanted to plant the colourful rice paddy art in the rice fields near Onagawa Onsen! This year’s art will mark the 450th birthday of Date Masamune!

Date: Sun. 28th May 9:00~13:00

Starting Location: Misawa Community Centre

Rice Planting Location: Yanazawa Rice Paddy Art Field

Max. People: First 200 persons

FeeHigh School Students and above 2,000 Yen
       Junior HS students and below 1,500 Yen

For Partipants:Lunch provided, 2kg present of Tsuyahime Rice after harvest (Those who participate in the harvest event on the 1st October will receive 5kg)  

Please Bring:Sandals, Towel, Change of clothes, Rain gear, Matts/Covers for inside cars.

The Rice planting takes place barefoot in mud so please wear attire that you don’t mind getting dirty.

Application Period:Sat. 1st April ~ Fri. 19th May

※Or until all places are filled

Other:When applying please provide Address, Name, Age, Gender and Phone Number

Applications/Enquiries:Tourism Department

Or Agricultural Department 22-5111
