Mental Health Seminar

  • Mental Health Seminar
  • Mental Health Seminar

This is the third and final seminar in the 2020 YIRA Online Multiculturalism Class series. Come learn about mental health and stress management from certified psychologist and school counselor, Koume Abe. If you'd like to get the advice of a professional, this is your chance!

Anyone is welcome, regarless of age or nationality! Translation will be available for non-Japanese speakers.

▲Foreign Culture and Your Mind: Mental Health Seminar

▲Date: Wed., October 21st 7:00-8:30pm

▲Speaker: Koume Abe, Certified Psychologist and School Counselor

▲Fee: Free (However, you must pay for any internet connection fees)

To sign up, please contact us by e-mail or through Facebook message with your name, e-mail address, and country.

※Sign-ups will end 1 hour before the scheduled start time of the seminar.
