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April's Chinese Lunch

  • April's Chinese Lunch

Join YIRA for a relaxed chat about China
◆Date: Thur. 14th April 12:00~13:00
◆Location: YIRA Plaza 'Arcus' 
◆Fee: Free (Please bring your own lunch) ※No need to apply


Fun with English! Easter Egg Painting!

  • Fun with English! Easter Egg Painting!

A fun kids event where we’ll be painting Easter Eggs and
playing some fun English games! Come join in!

◆Date:Sun. 9th March 10:30~11:30
◆Location: YIRA Plaza ‘Arcus’
◆Fee:300 Yen per child. Ages 3-Elem. School.
15 places max. *Applications necessary.


March's English Lunch

  • March's English Lunch

Enjoy a relaxed chat about the UK and China with YIRA.

Date: English  Thur. 23rd March 12:00-13:00

Location:YIRA Plaza ‘Arcus’

Fee:Free(Please bring your own lunch) 


March's Chinese Lunch

  • March's Chinese Lunch

 Enjoy a relaxed chat about the UK and China with YIRA.

◆Date: Chinese Fri. 17 th March English Thur. 23 rd March 12:00-13:00

◆Location:YIRA Plaza ‘Arcus’

◆Fee:Free(Please bring your own lunch)


YIRA Kitchen: English Cooking

  • YIRA Kitchen: English Cooking

Menu: Traditional English Cottage Pie

◆Guest Chef:Josh Shepherd (British)
◆Date: Sun. 12th March 10:00~13:00
◆Location:Okitama Culture Centre Kitchen Room
◆Fee:Members ¥800、Non-members ¥1000、
Elementary School and under ¥500
◆Places:20 persons
※Applications necessary
