
Satoyama drive course


【しな織の里ぬくもり館 関川しな織センター】

関川地区は「しな織の里」として知られ日本三大古代織のひとつである伝統技 術を守り継いでいる。その歴史は大変古く現存する繊維の中で最も長い命脈を 保っている。その工程は長く複雑で大まかに記すと…

“Shinaori-no-sato nukumori-kan Sekigawa shinaori center”
In the district of Sekigawa, the place called “Shinaori-no-sato” continues to maintain one of Japan's 3 ancient traditional weaving techniques : shina weaving. It is a very old technique that has been used since a long time ago. The process is very long and difficult and the indications on how to do it are only vaguely remembered.




1~2日糠漬けにする。 ?糠を洗い軒下で乾燥させる。



3月頃に、いざり機で織りあげる。 以上の作業は約1年かかる。皮を剥ぐところまでは男性の手で、あとは全て女 性の手にかかるもので代々母から娘に受け継がれてきた。

In June, the shina trees are cut in the mountains then the bark is peeled and dried in the sun for a few days.
The impurities are cleaned off in stream water for 3 days and then the bark is then boiled with charcoal for half a day.
It is then immersed in rice bran for 1 to 2 days.
Then the rice bran is washed off and the bark is hanged on the roof to dry.
After it is dry, we start to make the thread.
The superior quality thread of the pongee minutely made from the shina is then made into a warp for weaving.
Around March, the loom is weaved into fabric.
The whole process explained above take about 1 year.
The pealing of the bark of the tree is made by hand by men, and the rest is all made by women. It has been passed down from mother to daughter for generations.



戊辰の役で関川地区は激しく砲火をあび住民も多数死傷したという痛ましい歴 史がある。これを後世に伝えようと記念碑を建立した。

“Stone monument at the site of a bloody battle during the Boshin war”
The district of Sekigawa has the tragic history of having many citizen die during the Boshin war due to heavy bullet fire. The monument is to remind the future generations of that tragic incident.


【そば処 まやのやかた】

地元産のそば粉を自然薯でつないだそばは豊かな香りとのど越しが味わえる。 事前予約でそば打ちも体験できる。


“Soba place Maya-no-yakata”
The soba flour is a local product made from Japanese Yam with a rich aroma that you can flavor. With an advance reservation, you can experience making soba noodles.


【農家レストラン キラリ】

直売所には時期によってきのこ類やあつみかぶ、笹巻き、とちもちなど季節の 山の幸が並ぶ。 かたくり園、ミジバショウ群生地へは徒歩5分。

“Kirari farm family restaurant.”
Depending on the season, you can buy various kind of mushrooms, Atsumi turnips, sasamaki, tochimochi and much more fruits of the mountain.
With a 5 minute walk, you can reach the Mijibasho garden with Dogtooth violet growing en masses.
