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「チャポン、ふぅ~、ザバァー」温泉大好きな住民の皆さんに親しまれている 共同浴場は3ヶ所。どなたでもご利用になれます。無人なので、料金箱に200円を 入れて、いざ入浴。タオル・石けん等はご持参ください。 ・ご利用時間 ・清掃時間 ・協力金


“Public bathhouse”
Chapon, Fu and Zaba are three public bathhouses loved by the locals. They can be used by everyone. There is no staffs, so you must put 200 yen inside a box before bathing. You must bring you own things such as soap and towel. ・Usage time ・Cleaning time ・Cooperative cost


散策途中に足湯でひとやすみ。温泉街にある趣きの違った3つの足湯はそれぞ れ方言に因んだ名がついています。


“Foot bath”
After taking a stroll, rest while enjoying a foot bath. In the hot spring district, there are 3 foot bath places with different appearances which were all named based on the local dialect.



葉月橋通りの真ん中にある足湯。通り・並木道を意味するアベニュー (Averue)と方言で塩梅(健康・調子)を意味する「あんべ」を掛けて名づけら れました。



It is a foot bath located in the middle of the Hazugibashi-dori road. Based on the local dialect, “Anbe” can mean avenue and health.


【もっけ湯】 「もっけ」とは庄内地方の方言で感謝を表す意味。春は川沿いに桜が咲き、秋 は鮭が遡上するなど、四季折々の風情を感じる温海川を目の前に、足湯を楽しむ スペース。


Based on the dialect of the Shonai district, “Mokke” means “to show gratitude”. It is a place where you can have a foot bath while enjoying the sight of the Atsumi-gawa river which displays many different charms from season to season like cherry blossoms in spring or salmons going upstream during fall.


足湯カフェ「チットモッシェ」(=方言でちょっと面白い)に併設する足湯。 足湯に浸かりながら、ティータイムやスウィーツも楽しめるちょっとおしゃれな 足湯。 ・定休日 第3木曜日



“Chitto Mosshe” is a foot bath cafe with a funny name for those who understand the dialect. It is somewhat stylish place where you can have a foot bath while enjoying tea and sweets.

・Closed on the third Thursday



あつみのお湯は浸かるだけじゃもったいない。飲泉で体の内からもあつみのお 湯を感じてみよう。


“Drinking spring water place”

To just soak into the water of Atsumi is a waste! Lets also try to feel the water of Atsumi from within the body by drinking it!


温海川に架かる湯之里橋の橋上に設けられた飲泉所。気持ちいい川風に吹かれ ながら飲泉をお楽しみください。


“Yunoribashi drinking spring water place”

On the Yunoribashi bridge and span over the Atsumi-gawa river, there is a drinking spring water place. You can enjoy the pleasant river breeze while drinking the spring water.


足湯「あんべ湯」となりには飲泉所もあります。浸かってよし、飲んでよしの あつみの湯で思い思いの楽しみ方を。


“Hazugibashi-dori drinking spring water place”

There is a drinking spring water place next to the foot bath “Anbe-yu”. For the people who wants to enjoy drinking spring water after a pleasant foot bath.




4月~11月に朝市が開かれる広場には温泉の鎮守神である温泉神社の礼拝所が あります。諸説語られる温泉誕生説のひとつ、鶴が傷を癒した…という説はここ が発祥ともいわれます。現在は源泉のひとつでもあり、温泉特有のにおいが昔変 わらず情緒を漂わせます。


“Other places you can enjoy Atsumi Onsen”

“Morning market plaza”

The morning market is open from April to November. There is a shrine in the plaza where the god of hot springs is worshipped. Among the many theories about the origin of hot springs, one of them that originated from here is the story of the crane that healed its injuries by bathing into a hot spring. The never changing smell of hot spring water since long ago is one the things that cause the current atmosphere of the hot spring district.



Bathing and lodging facilities information


「出羽の国の名湯 あつみ温泉」

あつみ温泉の誕生は今から千年も昔に遡ります。弘法大師の夢枕に童子が立ち、その示現によって発見したとか、傷ついた鶴が草むらから湧き出る湯に足を浸しているのを木こりが見つけた、など諸説語られています。 庄内藩主・酒井忠勝公が入国した際、藩の湯役所が設けられ、以来近郊の湯治場として栄えてきました。 古くから文人墨客も多く訪れ、松尾芭蕉、与謝野晶子、横光利一など、小説、詩歌に数多くうたわれています。 千年にも及ぶ長い間、あつみの湯は人々に愛され守り伝えられてきました。今では山形・庄内を代表する温泉地として皆様に親しまれています。 人情・山・海・温泉が調和したあつみ温泉で、心も体もゆったりとお寛ぎください。



〈源泉温度〉68度 〈湧出量〉毎分1300リットル

〈適応症〉●浴用(特効)切り傷、やけど、湿疹、皮膚病 (一般)神経痛、リウマチ、婦人病、腺病質、諸病回復期 ●飲用(一般)胆石、胃腸弛緩症、尿結石、金属中毒症、慢性便秘、蕁麻疹

〈禁忌症〉●浴用 慢性消化器病、慢性便秘、慢性胆のう炎、胆石症、肥満症、糖尿病、痛風 ●飲用 腎臓病、高血圧症、その他一般にむくみのあるもの、甲状腺機能亢進症、下痢



 “Atsumi Onsen, the famous hot spring from Dewa”
The creation of Atsumi Onsen go back over 1000 years ago. There are many theories about how it was discovered. Some say that Kobo Daishi found it through a revelation and others say the hot spring was discovered in a grassy area by a lumberjack when he saw a wounded bird dipping its feet in the water.
After the Shonai daimyo Sakai Tadakatsu arrived, the hot spring was made official and have since then been flourishing.
Since long ago, many writers and artists such as Matsuo Basho, Akiko Yosano and Yokomitsu Riichi have came and praised it in their novels, songs and poems.
For many generations, the water of Atsumi has been passed down, loved and protected by the people. Now, as a hot spring representative of Shonai – Yamagata, it is appreciated by everyone.
Atsumi Onsen is humanity, mountains, sea, hot spring all in harmony together. Come and relax your mind and body.


Sodium – Calcium – Chloride – Sulfate


68 degree Celsius 1300 litres per minute
 ●By bathing : (very efficient) cuts, burns, eczema and skin diseases
(normal efficiency) nerve pain, rheumatism, women's diseases, scrofulosis and various diseases convalescences●By drinking : (normal efficiency) gallstones, gastric relaxation, urinary calculus, metal poisoning, chronic constipation and hives●For bathing : chronic digestive organ diseases, chronic constipation, chronic gall bladder inflammation, gallstones, obesity, sugar diabetes or gout●For drinking : kidney troubles, high blood pressure, swellings or hyperthyroidism



豊かな自然が息づく土地には、食の素材も、別格にして多彩。 季節の移り変わりもそのままに、新鮮な海の幸、山の幸をまるごと召し上がれ!



伝統の焼畑農法で栽培したかぶ。辛みと鮮やかな色の「かぶらづけ」は全国的 にも有名な特産品。















庄内浜の冬の味覚。荒波の日本海で水揚げされる鱈は身が引き締まり脂がのっ ています。





















地元民に愛され続ける味。道の駅「しゃりん」のあつみ牛乳ソフトクリームも おすすめ。



日本三大古代織のひとつ。しなの木の皮を繊維にして織る温海が誇る工芸品で 飾らない美しさと木のぬくもりが感じられます。「羽越しな布」として国の伝統 的工芸品に指定されています。





【山の幸】 温海は山菜の宝庫。 春はワラビやコゴミ、孟宗竹、秋はきのこ類などが味わえます。








The charm and special products of Atsumi


A land with abundant nature, ingredients and variety.
Eat the fresh food of the sea and the mountains offered by the changing seasons.


 “Atsumi Turnips”
Turnip cultivated by using a traditional farming technique of slash-and-burn.
With it's vivid color and salty taste, the “pickled turnip” is a special product famous throughout the country.

“Squid salted and dried overnight”
Dried by the sun while being blown by the salty wind of the sea of Japan.


“Soba noodles”
Made carefully with famous mineral water with a rustic taste.


“Iwa no gaki”
Taste of the summer of Shonai beach.


“Tochimochi(chestnut flavored rice cake)”
With the taste of chestnuts and the texture of red been paste, the combination is perfect. Atsumi's special product unchanged since old times.


“Kandara soup”
Taste of the winter of Shonai beach. The pacific cods fished from the stormy sea of Japan have more tightened bodies and less fat.


“Berobero rice cake”
Non-glutinous rice is used as raw ingredient. Long ago, it was used as preserved food by the hunting communities of Tohoku.


A handmade nostalgic and warm taste.


“Genroku rice cake”
One of the excellent sweets that represents Atsumi Onsen. A soft and natural sweetness.


“Hot spring steamed bun”
The traditional taste of Atsumi Onsen.


“Atsumi's local sake – refined sake (Mayasan)(Mayahime)”
Sake made with rice grown with water from the Koesawa district Goushimizu at the base of Mt. Mayasan and sold at the border of the region.


“Atsumi pork”
Safe and high quality products such as Bacon, wieners and ham.


“Atsumi milk”
The taste loved by the locals. The soft cream made with the Atsumi milk at the roadside station “Sharin” is highly recommended.


“Woven items”
One of Japan's three major ancient weaving. The bark of trees is made into fibre and then woven. This handicraft is one of the pride of Atsumi. You can feel the beauty and warmth of the wood in the resulting woven item. Known as Koetsu shinfu, it is designated as on of Japan's traditional handicraft.


Atsumi is abundant with many marine products from the large sea of Japan.


“Food of the mountain”
Atsumi is a treasury of edible wild plants. During springtime there is bracken, kogomi and moso bamboo. During Fall, various mushrooms can be savoured.

・Place where you can buy

・Place where you can eat

・Seasonal periods









After the castle was built and used by the Uesugi and Date families during the feudal era, Yonezawa has been know as a castle town. Even now, many vestiges can be seen throughout the town. You can freely look around the scenic and historic places and experience the traditional culture.
Also, with the recent increase of imported goods from the Tohoku area in recent years, Yonezawa is proud of it's manufactured goods and continuing growth. Within those products, a lot of efforts are being put into developing the new high technology industry of organic electroluminescence and electronics within the engineering department of the Yamagata university.
Yonezawa is a town that spreads out from the center of the basin at the foot of the naturally rich Azuma mountain range.
Many delicious things can be found in Yonezawa starting by the traditional vegetables, fruits and local sake.
You can also enjoy the charms of the 8 historical hot springs that can be found in the town.
Please consider holding you convention in Yonezawa, the city that is the combination of cutting-edge technology and the blessing of nature and history.






