
Nezugaseki walking course




?“Nezugaseki Station”
Modelled to look like a Yacht, the symbolic sport of Nezugaseki.



鼠ヶ関は新潟県村上市との県境に位置し、全国的にも珍しいという集落の真ん 中に県境を示す石碑が建っている。記念スタンプも準備されている。

“Prefectural border monument”
Placed on the prefectural border between Nezugaseki and Murakami-shi of the Niigata prefecture. A stone monument unusually used in the centre of the community to designate the location of the prefectural border. Commemorative stamps have also been prepared.



昭和43年に発掘調査が実施され、この場所で古代須恵器平窯址、製鉄址、土器 製塩址、千鳥走行型柵列址が発見された。これらの遺跡は平安時代に属するもの であり、鼠ヶ関が強力な軍事的警察的な関所であったことが明らかである。

“Remnants of a gate in old Nezugaseki”
In 1968, an excavation was done and many remnants of old objects such as Sue ware, earthenware and were found. Among all the things found in the historic site from the Heian period, a checking station that seemed to belong to a strong police or army was also discovered.



昭和61年、直木賞作家でテレビドラマ「源義経」原作者・村上元三(げんぞ う)氏によって書かれた石碑。

“Monument in honour to the disembarkation of Yoshitsune”
In 1986 a stone monument was made in honour of Yoshitsune based on the TV drama “Minamoto no Yoshitsune” written by the Naoki prize winner “Murakami Genzo”.



厳島神社境内にある。昭和41年テレビドラマ「源義経」の放送により義経に対 する関心が高まったことから、鼠ヶ関では、兄頼朝を逃れ京から奥州平泉に向か う義経が日本海を舟で渡り上陸したことを紹介した碑。

“The Yoshitsune related shore monument”
It's on the grounds of the Itsukushima-jinja shrine. Due to the raising interest in the stories of Yoshitsune cause by the broadcasting of the TV drama “Minamoto no Yoshitsune”, a momument was placed on the shore said to be where he disembarked while running away from his brother Yoritomo from the capital toward Oshu Hiraizumi on the sea of Japan.



海上神、農業神といわれる弁財天を祀る。祭神は安芸の厳島神社から勧請され た。例大祭は4月15日で「鼠ヶ関の神輿流し」が行われる。

“Itsukushima-jinja shrine”
Shrine where Benzaiten, known as the god of the sea and agriculture, is being worshipped. The enshrined deity was transfered from the Itsukushima-jinja shrine of Aki. On the 15th of April the annual festival of the portable shrine of Nezugaseki is held.



美しい夕陽のスポット。昔は沖積地から飛石づたいに弁天島に達したという が、埋め立てによって今の状態になった。樹齢数百年の自然松が島を覆い、西側 に灯台がありその景勝は長く親しまれてきた。

“Benten island”
Beautiful setting sun viewing location. It is said that long ago, the island could be reached from the alluvial soil by stepping stones. The island is covered with pine trees that are hundreds of years old. There also is a light house on the west side of the island creating a beautiful picturesque scenery.



明治時代の戊辰戦争時、日本海から撃たれた砲弾が高台に建つ瑞芳院を襲った が、境内のケヤキの木の幹にめり込み寺への直撃を防いだとされる。

“The cannonball of Mizuhoin”
From the Boshin war during the Meiji period. The attack came from the sea of Japan, but a Zelkova tree stopped the cannonball from doing a direct hit on the temple.



ツバキ科の植物。曹源寺の裏庭に2株植えられている巨木。昭和28年に山形県 指定の天然記念物となった。

“Eurya japonica of Sogenji”
It is in the theaceae family. In the rear garden of the Sogenji temple 2 of those giant trees are planted. In 1953, it became a designated natural monument of the Yamagata prefecture.


今から400年程前に佐渡の僧侶が諸国巡礼に向かう折、強風で遭難し鼠ヶ関に 漂着したがここ曹源寺で体を休め村人の看護によって快癒したことに感謝し手植 えしたものと伝えられる。

It is said that around 400 years ago, while the Sado monks were doing a pilgrimage, they shipwrecked due to strong winds and washed ashore to Nezugaseki. Then after they were nursed back to health by the villagers in the Sosenji temple, the monks planted the trees personally in sign of gratitude.

2015.03.31 14:42:honyaku:[ホームページ]