
温海には地域内から出土した石器や土器により、縄文時代に先住民族が居住し ていたと推測される。 その後ここは出羽国と呼ばれ豪族の支配するところとなったが鎌倉時代に武藤 氏の所領となった。それからは一時、上杉氏の領となったがまもなく最上氏に変 わり、ついに江戸時代の元和8年酒井氏の領となり明治に至った。 昭和29年に温海町が誕生。その後、平成17年の市町村合併により新鶴岡市の一 部になった。

History of the Atsumi region
Due to the stone tools and earthenware that were excavated in the Atsumi region, it is believed that aboriginal people used to live there during the Jomon period.
The region was then called the Dewa province and ruled by a powerful clan until it became the territory of the Muto clan during the Kamakura period. After that, it was ruled by the Uesugi clan for a short time to then be ruled by the Mogami clan until the the 8th year of the Genwa era during the Edo period when the rule changed to the Sakai clan until the Meiji era.In 1954, Atsumi-machi was created. Then in 2005 it became part of the new Tsuruoka-shi in a big merger of towns, cities and villages.


「関川のしな織」 日本の代表的な古代織のひとつで、すべての工程が手作業でなされ、シナの木 の皮から糸を作り織りあがるまで1年を要する。「羽越しな布」として国の伝統 的工芸品に指定されている。バッグ、帽子、のれん等に加工されている。 (国指定伝統的工芸品:平成17年) (鶴岡市指定無形民俗文化財:平成7年)

“Shina-fu of Sekigawa”One of Japan's ancient weaving technique. A process by hand of making threads from the Shina tree's bark before weaving it that takes up to one year. It is designated as a traditional art known as “Uetsu Shinafu”. Many items such as bags, hats and curtains are main that way.
(Designated as traditional art by Japan in 2005)
(Designated as a cultural asset by Tsuruoka-shi in 1995)


「山戸能」 全国でも珍しい特色を持った能。昔は120番あった曲目も今では9番だけだが山 五十川地区をあげて守り続けている。毎年5月と11月に奉納上演が行われる。 (山形県指定無形民俗文化財:昭和39年)

“Yamato Noh”
A kind of noh unlike anywhere else in Japan. A long time ago, there were as many as 120 musical selections and although now only 9 are left, they are being protected preciously in the Yamairagawa district. Every year, in May and November, a performance is made.
(It was designated as a cultural asset of the Yamagata prefecture in 1964)


「山五十川歌舞伎」 河内神社に奉納する神事歌舞伎であり、山戸能と一緒に公演される。斉藤茂吉 文化賞を受賞するなど内外で高く評価されている。 (山形県指定無形民俗文化財:昭和61年)

“Yamairagawa Kabuki”
The shinto ritual kabuki is dedicated to the Kawauchi-jinja shrine and is performed along with the Yamato Noh. It is highly valued for things such as earning the Saito Mokichi cultural award.
(It was designated as a cultural asset of the Yamagata prefecture in 1986)


「村上屋の念珠の松」 今から400年前、元村上屋旅館の館主が盆栽の松を庭に地植えし、代々手入れ して作り上げた黒松。平成6年に世界的に有名な造園家・中島健氏の設計により 庭園が完成した。 (山形県指定天然記念物:昭和30年)


“The pine Buddhist rosary of Murakamiya”
400 years ago, the manager of the old Murakamiya was growing black pine bonsais and they have been maintained generation after generation since then. In 1994, the Garden was completed based on the design of the world renowned landscape designer Ken Nakajima.
(It was designed as a natural monument of the Yamagata prefecture in 1955)


「近世念珠関(ねんじゅせき)址」 出羽・越後の国境として重要な役割を果たした関所址。奥羽三古関のひとつに 数えられ歌舞伎「勧進帳」の舞台であると伝えられている。 (鶴岡市指定史跡:平成元年)

“The recent Nenjuseki-ato”
It is the remains of an important gate that used to serve as the delimitation between the Dewa province and Echigo. It is known as one of the 3 ancient gates and is also used as a stage of kabuki performances.
(Designated as a historical monument of Tsuruoka-shi in 1898)


「山五十川の玉杉」 山五十川地区の熊野神社境内に根を張る。周囲19m、高さ33mの杉の巨樹。樹齢 およそ1400年といわれるが今でも緑鮮やかです。

“The Tamasugi cedar of Yamairagawa”
It is a cedar tree currently spreading it's roots on the grounds of the Kumano-jinja shrine in the Yamairagawa district. It is a giant tree with 19 meters of circumference and 44 meters of height. It is said to be around 1400 years old but it is still very green and healty.


「温海こけし」 かわいらしく大胆な洋花づくりの胴模様が特徴のこけし。おおらかな印象で愛 らしく一目出会ったら忘れられないとファンが多い。現在は受注生産のみ。 (みちのくこけしまつり内閣総理大臣賞:平成11年)

“Atsumi kokeshi dolls”
Cute and audacious kokeshi dolls characterized by the torso being made from foreign flowers. With their serene and lovely appearance, once you lay your eyes on them, you will never forget them. They currently only build them on order.

2015.03.31 14:36:honyaku:[ホームページ]