
「出羽の国の名湯 あつみ温泉」

あつみ温泉の誕生は今から千年も昔に遡ります。弘法大師の夢枕に童子が立ち、その示現によって発見したとか、傷ついた鶴が草むらから湧き出る湯に足を浸しているのを木こりが見つけた、など諸説語られています。 庄内藩主・酒井忠勝公が入国した際、藩の湯役所が設けられ、以来近郊の湯治場として栄えてきました。 古くから文人墨客も多く訪れ、松尾芭蕉、与謝野晶子、横光利一など、小説、詩歌に数多くうたわれています。 千年にも及ぶ長い間、あつみの湯は人々に愛され守り伝えられてきました。今では山形・庄内を代表する温泉地として皆様に親しまれています。 人情・山・海・温泉が調和したあつみ温泉で、心も体もゆったりとお寛ぎください。



〈源泉温度〉68度 〈湧出量〉毎分1300リットル

〈適応症〉●浴用(特効)切り傷、やけど、湿疹、皮膚病 (一般)神経痛、リウマチ、婦人病、腺病質、諸病回復期 ●飲用(一般)胆石、胃腸弛緩症、尿結石、金属中毒症、慢性便秘、蕁麻疹

〈禁忌症〉●浴用 慢性消化器病、慢性便秘、慢性胆のう炎、胆石症、肥満症、糖尿病、痛風 ●飲用 腎臓病、高血圧症、その他一般にむくみのあるもの、甲状腺機能亢進症、下痢



?“Atsumi Onsen, the famous hot spring from Dewa”
The creation of Atsumi Onsen go back over 1000 years ago. There are many theories about how it was discovered. Some say that Kobo Daishi found it through a revelation and others say the hot spring was discovered in a grassy area by a lumberjack when he saw a wounded bird dipping its feet in the water.
After the Shonai daimyo Sakai Tadakatsu arrived, the hot spring was made official and have since then been flourishing.
Since long ago, many writers and artists such as Matsuo Basho, Akiko Yosano and Yokomitsu Riichi have came and praised it in their novels, songs and poems.
For many generations, the water of Atsumi has been passed down, loved and protected by the people. Now, as a hot spring representative of Shonai ? Yamagata, it is appreciated by everyone.
Atsumi Onsen is humanity, mountains, sea, hot spring all in harmony together. Come and relax your mind and body.


Sodium ? Calcium ? Chloride ? Sulfate


68 degree Celsius 1300 litres per minute
?●By bathing : (very efficient) cuts, burns, eczema and skin diseases
(normal efficiency) nerve pain, rheumatism, women's diseases, scrofulosis and various diseases convalescences●By drinking : (normal efficiency) gallstones, gastric relaxation, urinary calculus, metal poisoning, chronic constipation and hives●For bathing : chronic digestive organ diseases, chronic constipation, chronic gall bladder inflammation, gallstones, obesity, sugar diabetes or gout●For drinking : kidney troubles, high blood pressure, swellings or hyperthyroidism


2015.02.28 13:10:honyaku:[パンフレット・ポスター・ちらし]