

Today, I took a bus to BISHOP MUSEUM.
I have been interested in native people, Native American, Maori.
This musium displaies Polynesian cultures including Maori culture.
Especially, their feature that I am vary interested in is carving.
I am eager to study them.
And Science Adventure Centre was fun. Many children ( and I ) enjoyed joining in many atructions.
Then, I bought many gifts to my family, my friends, and my colleagues.
I'm afraid that I must pay additional charge to load in plane.

By the way, my students is enjoying their homestay?
I think that maby they have a good time because I don't get their phone and my agent does't call me!

Tomorrow, we are going to Pearl Harbor. I must learn World War and treasure peace! What does my student feel and how does they act for our future?
Visit points is USS Arizona Memorial, Battleship Missouri Memorial and so on.




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